To help a little more, this one will share a bit of day to day life 
since Realization:

The body wakes up, normal morning grooming still happens (for some 
reason the teeth haven't learned to brush themselves), coffee is 
made, the kids are woken up, breakfast is eaten while breaking up a 
few fights over who gets the last piece of bacon, lunch is made for 
school with healthy snacks despite incessant cries for "junk food", 
toys left on the floor are still tripped over, as well as trying to 
teach the younger ones how to put them over cries of "No!" 
and "Mine!", the husband's clothes are still ironed, the bills still 
have to be paid, the body aches at times from picking up and 
carrying two little ones, the head aches at times from 
hearing "Elmo" songs and toddler screams throughout the day, and on, 
and on. However, all of this above is done to a backdrop of 
Silence... Peace... Stillness... Wonder... Love... Excitement... 
Calm... Poise... Balance... Serenity. Mind comes and quickly goes. 
Emotions come and quickly go. The Moment is Savored... Treasured... 
LIVED. Nothing changes but the Perspective. Nothing is lost but 
the baggage. Nothing is gained because It was Already Always Here. 
Living Now in Peace ... Living Gratitude. 

Holly: Remembering what you have said has helped dis-spell the 
irrational fears of fraying (I hope) ego. : )

Sarojini: Have NO fears... they are unnecessary and unfounded. Just 
an illusion... just a distraction... just energy. This that IS is 
Beautiful, Serene and more Real than Reality was ever known to Be by 
the mind. It IS and a bag of chips!

Great Peace and many Blessings,

Thank you!

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