Jefferson County Farmers & Neighbors, Inc. Annual Meeting

One Woman's Struggle and Triumph

Wednesday, October 5 
7:30 - 9:30 pm

Fairfield Arts & Convention Center
200 N. Main Street, Fairfield, IA

Featuring guest speaker:


. Award-Winning Environmental Activist and CodePink Co-founder
. Two-time Bioneers Speaker
. Featured in 2008 documentary Texas Gold

A colorful and celebrated activist, Diane Wilson is a powerful advocate of
corporate responsibility. She will share stories about her remarkable
efforts in getting corporations to change their environmental practices.

Wilson was a primary influence in persuading two multinational chemical
companies to sign zero-discharge agreements. She has advocated for a wide
range of other environmental and human rights causes including Bhopal
victims, injured workers in the petrochemical and oil industries, and
victims of the Deep Water Horizon oil spill.

Wilson follows a path of Gandhi-like nonviolent protest. Her actions, she
says, "come from the heart, using a different kind of energy that industry
doesn't know how to control."

JFAN President Jim Rubis will also provide an update of JFAN activities. A
question and answer forum will follow at the conclusion of the meeting.

Admission is free. A $5 donation helps JFAN protect Jefferson County's
quality of life. 

Co-sponsored with our community partners KRUU-FM, Sustainable Living
Coalition, Sierra Club Leopold Group, and Radish Magazine.

Please share with all your friends! 


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