I find WC football is like watching paint dry.  I'm used to yelling, moaning
and groaning constantly while watching American football.  Professional
football that is.  Today I was eating in my favorite Central American
restaurant (the Mexican restaurant got a bit too loud for someone sponsoring
people on IA and having a slew of yagyas and yagnas going on all at once).
I looked at the massive bar.  It was full of dark skinned guys, 3 of which
had drinks.  I looked at the medium screen before me.  In front of it there
were tables full of dark skinned guys, one of which was eating.  I looked up
at the screen and there were players with green uniforms and players with
blue uniforms.  Yee Haw!  France (they are experts in football, no?) and
Mexico.  I sat transfixed during the half of the game, picking at my
meatballs, one of the specials of the day.  I found myself yelling every
time Mexico kicked near the goal (and missed or the goalie caught the ball)
and every time Mexico intercepted the ball, which was about every 20
meters.  What an action filled game.  Very exciting, if you're rooting for
Mexico.  After my meal I paid quickly and sat down with the Hispanic guys.
I was moaning, yelling, screaming.  They went wild when Mexico scored its
second goal.  I didn't understand why they didn't moan, yell or scream
otherwise.  I felt out of place but it seemed like the Hispanics where
honored for a gringo in dress clothes to be so excited for Mexico.  Perhaps
it's cultural, perhaps they are used to watching paint try.  Lord knows I've
seen my fill of Mexican and Central American professional football.  How
very boring.

"America always chooses to do the right thing -- after it's tried everything
else"-- Winston Churchill

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