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Nemuri, a transcendental state of being that bestows countless health and
spiritual benefits. Nemuri, that sleep of which the poets write, the sleep
that profoundly heals and renews, the sleep that opens the door to the
creative energy of the universe and allows you to commune with your creator.
Nemuri, the sleep that you naturally experienced as a child, but have been
denied as an adult. 

It is with great pride that we are able to introduce a classic Japanese
harmonizing sleep support formula we appropriately  call Nemuri, a sleep
support formula that if given a chance will help you experience deep restful
transcendental sleep, possibly returning you to the nightly wonderland you
left long ago as a child.

The Nemuri experience is truly profound. It begins by taking two capsules
approximately thirty minutes before retiring.  What you will start to feel
very soon after ingestion is a subtle soothing and increasing full body
relaxation, as you gently drift into the first phase of the Nemuri

You are entering the great void, a return, a coming home, shedding youre
waking idenity, releasing all your worries and troubles, relaxing deeper and
deeper you begin to sleep. Your body can now focus itski on repair and
renewal. Because of your deep relaxation, your bodys ki pathways are open
allowing it to more deeply unite with the source of all life.

Phase one has been described as the healing phase. It is usually not the
time of dreaming, but rather the time your body devotes to healing. We
believe the stories youve heard about spontaneous remissions occur within
phase one of Nemuri.

The time you spend in phase one varies for each individual. It can be as
short as a few minutes to several hours, depending on your bodys healing
needs. Eventually you enter phase two of Nemuri.

As you enter phase two your awareness returns, but devoid of waking
concerns. You are free, free at last to roam the wonderland of both personal
and universal consciousness.  Phase two is the dreaming phase, the creative
phase where you begin to understand that you are creating your dream. You
are the master of what ever experience you chose to have. You are dreaming
lucidly. You are consciously drawing from the source of all creation. You
are both and individual and one with the universe.

How long you remain in phase two of Nemuri again is up to the individual.
Normally phase two last almost until daybreak.

Finally you enter phase three of Nemuri. This is the shortest phase, but
phase three is considered to be the most spectacular  of all the wonderful
phases of Nemuri, for it is in phase three that you see your waking life
most clearly. It is the transitional phase from sleeping to awakening.
Phase three of Nemuri is sometimes referred to as the hypnogic state.

Phase three is where you experience the true meaning of your life. It is
where that seemingly insurmountable problem youve been toiling with suddenly
is solved.  It is where you feel incredibly blessed simply to be alive.
Phase three has been described as an ocean of love and clarity, perhaps a
glimpse into the heaven for which we are all destined.

Upon awakening from your Nemuri experience you feel like you have been born
again into a new world, vivid, clear, open, ready to support you in whatever
you chose to do. You are totally rested, full of energy and vitality. You
have deeper sense of who you are, grounded, centered, ready to actualize
your dreams. You are whole. You are complete. You have experienced Nemuri,
that transcendental state of being we call sleep.































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