"Many of the posts and comments urging progressives to support the
health care reform bill are based on a false premise. When you remove
that false premise you realize that all the arguments for passing this
horrible bill are bogus...
The current argument among progressives is whether or not they should
support a horrible bill...
That false premise is the idea that Obama and the Democratic leadership
actually support health care reform, but the Republicans and the Blue
Dogs have joined forces with the lobbyists to obstruct them.
Obama and the Democratic leadership DO NOT support health care reform...
They aren't opposed on ideological grounds or because they want to
see people suffer, it's just a simple conflict of interest.  There
is no financial incentive for them to reform our nations health care
system, but obstructing and opposing reform is very lucrative."
Failure was the plan
Posted on December 20, 2009 by myiq2xu
This health care reform clusterfuck was not an accident, it was

Their primary goal is returning this country to the golden age that
existed before the New Deal.  No unions, no  government social spending,
and no regulation of banks and business.  Because this country is still
officially a democratic republic we still have elections, but the
corporatists have been successful at rigging the outcomes in their

With the exception of the Big Dawg in 1992 and 1996 I watched
Republicans run rough-shod over Democrats for decades...

I used to get frustrated watching the Democrats get outmaneuvered
tactically and many times I shook my head in disgust as they made
concession after concession. The worst part was when they surrendered
without a fight...

But when Nancy Pelosi took over as Speaker of the House one of the first
things she did was declare that impeachment was off the table. I
couldn't understand why the Democrats did nothing to stop the war or
end the lawless behavior of the Bush administration...

Then one day the light came on in my head. It was about the time that
Alberto Gonzales was telling the Senate he couldn't remember a
single thing about his job as Attorney General... There was ample
evidence to justify a special prosecutor or the appointment of a special
committee to investigate.  But all the Democrats did was make a little
noise and then drop it.

That's when I realized they didn't want to win...  The Democrats
would say the right things, but when it came time to vote they let the
Republicans win.  They would make speeches scolding bankers and then
turn around and deregulate Wall Street.  They pretend to be on our side,
but their loyalty goes to the big money special interests.

The Democratic leadership has gone over to the enemy, and that includes
Obama, Pelosi and Reid.  Why would they do something like that?... 
"follow the money." That is where the truth is.

Last year what party and which candidate got the most money from Big
Pharma and the health insurance companies?  I'll give you a hint
– it was the same party and candidate that got all the Wall Street
money.  They gave him millions back in 2007 when he was a rookie Senator
to start his campaign  and they spent  lots more buying him the

You didn't really think all those career Democrat politicians in
Washington suddenly got starry eyes and tingly legs just because they
heard Obama make a speech did you?  The party insiders helped Obama
because Obama had rich and powerful friends that asked them to help
Obama.  The same thing goes for the media.  Early on Obama was getting
more media attention than he deserved, and it was mostly positive.

After decades in Washington shilling for the special interests Senators
Joe Biden and Chris Dodd could barely raise enough money to compete in
Iowa.  Even though they were both regulars on Sunday morning news shows
their campaigns got little attention.  Richardson, Vilsack, Kucinich and
Gravel were even worse off.  During 2007 the six of them combined raised
about $25 million.  Obama raised that much in the first quarter of the

They took a light-weight politician with virtually no accomplishments
and hired David Axelrod to turn him into Candidate Obama.  He was nearly
perfect for them, an unscrupulous man with no core beliefs except his
own ambition.  Best of all from their point of view, Obama doesn't
have the strength of character to defy authority...

People think that after he took office Obama made secret deal with Big
Pharma and the health insurance companies. That's not true.  There
might have been some specific details to discuss but the basic outline
of the deal was made when Obama sold them his soul in exchange for being

Despite his promise to consider all the options Obama made sure single
payer got buried. Max Baucus helped him in the Senate and the A-list
progressive bloggers cooperated to keep the subject taboo on the front
pages of their blogs.

They started with a "robust public option" and after weakening
it until it it was meaningless they still took it out. There was a
provision for a Medicare buy-in for people 55-65 years old. Lieberman
liked it, then demanded it be taken out. The House version included the
Stupak-Pitts amendment.

Who will be covered and how much will it cost? Fuck if I know, but
whatever the current version says will change again before it's
over. But one thing hasn't changed.


Obama and the Congressional Democrats are proposing to solve the problem
of people without health insurance by making them buy health insurance
from private companies. That is truly unprecedented and historic.

Will there be effective cost controls and guaranteed coverage? I
wouldn't bet on it, 30 Democratic Senators voted against allowing
the importation of cheaper prescription drugs.  It doesn't appear
they give a fuck about us little people.

Right now the health insurance companies are paying out in benefits
about 2/3 of of what they collect in premiums.  The remaining 1/3 goes
to overhead and profits, and the health insurance companies are very
profitable.  Soon they will have their profits guaranteed by law and
subsidized with tax dollars.

That was the plan from the beginning.

The primary beneficiaries of the plan are the health insurance
companies. They invested millions and they will get back billions.  The
plan does nothing to reform the system. This is not half a loaf, it is a
windfall for the health insurance companies disguised as reform.

The Democrats didn't try to write a better bill. They didn't
want one. The Democrats wanted this bill because the people they work
for wanted this bill.  Unfortunately we aren't the people they work

I expect the bill to pass.  The Democrats aren't worried about
public opinion or job security.

The A-list bloggers can't stop it, just like they couldn't stop
the FISA revision.  They're as useless as tits on a boar hog. All it
took was a David Axelrod whispering sweet nothings and promises of
insider access and they abandoned the idea of a democratic, grassroots
progressive blogosphere and became the disseminators of White House
talking points.

Health care reform is a big shit sandwich and we're all gonna have
to take a bite, but the A-listers deserve a double helping for all the
help they gave the cooks.

The worst part is that despite the humiliating way they were exploited
and discarded most of the progressive bloggers will go crawling back to
vote for Obama and the Democrats because "the Republicans are



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