Trying to cater to both the homophobes and the human beings on FFL, I
present one article for each. The first is for those fearful of gays,
and provides a hint as to how to determine whether someone of the WRONG
sex is attracted to you. Of course, to use this technique, you have to
get close enough to them to gaze deeply into their eyes. :-)

Whether you're gay, straight or somewhere else on the spectrum, the
truth of who attracts you could be in your eyes.
Pupil dilation is an accurate indicator of sexual orientation, a new
study finds. When people look at erotic images and become aroused
<> ,  their
pupils open up in an unconscious reaction that could be used to  study
orientation and arousal without invasive genital measurements.

The new study is first large-scale experiment to show that pupil 
dilation matches what people report feeling turned on by, said study 
researcher Ritch Savin-Williams, a developmental psychologist at Cornell
"So if a man says he's straight, his eyes are dilating towards women,"
Savin-Williams told LiveScience. "And the opposite with gay men
, their eyes are dilating to men."

More at:\

For those less with less of a...uh...stick up their butts about sexual
preference, here's what the larger city a few kilometers away from me
was up to this weekend.
Amsterdam Gay Pride Draws Revelers To The City's Canals
[Amsterdam Gay Pride]

AMSTERDAM — Hundreds of thousands of gay rights supporters thronged 
Amsterdam's canals for the city's annual boat float parade, a party 
marking the high point of Gay Pride week.

The event features gay, lesbian and transgender people, many of them 
scantily-clad, dancing to music on elaborate boat-floats with onlookers 
cheering them on.

This year, Dutch homosexuals of Turkish ancestry had their  own float, a
first. One massive muscle-bound man on the boat swung a big  black sign
reading "Turkish, Dutch, Netherlander and Proud."

The ancient Westerkerk – the church with bells that once comforted 
Anne Frank while she was in hiding from the Nazis – has been draped
in  the rainbow flag that has become a symbol of tolerance and the gay 
rights movement.
Actual homosexual police in uniform joined countless imitators –
many  with cliche fake mustaches, handcuffs and leather hats – with
their own  boat.

The boat parade is primarily an exuberant party, one of the biggest 
festivals of the year in Amsterdam, but the week's program also retains 
serious elements.
Dutch people overwhelmingly support equal rights for gays, and the 
country became the world's first to fully sanction gay marriages in 
April 2001.

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