If you do get opportunity to see Valley's Director's Cut don't miss it.
However, If you are going to see the butchered version of 2hr then you
better visit the official website of the film
(http://www.skydesign.in/archive/Monsoon_Films/) and understand the
story and background.
Here the online free version


Valley Of Flowers (2006) Directed by Pan Nalin
What a breathtaking view: horses galloping through the dust of the wide,
arid desert valley surrounded by snow-capped mountains of the Himalayas!
How difficult the filming in such heights of up to 5000 meter must have

Valley has a Japanese MANGA an Ang Lee's  wuxia film like quality and an
interwoven web of deep Asian philosophy. Rarely a theme of love, longing
and immortality has been so well depicted before a hymn to harmony in
nature, balance among demons and humans, good and evil, life and death,
black and white. It is a poetic telling of reincarnation and karma.
Palin invites us inside with warm Asian hospitality but does not give us
keys to all the doors
There are breathtaking moments in Valley… like appearance of Ushna,
levitated lovemaking, valley of silence, time-walk and final climax in
Japan. Cinematography is superb and the casting is near perfect.
Himalayan landscapes are awesome. Towards the end the entire resolution
of the saga happens in modern-day Tokyo and that is destructive and
divine –like most Asian myths. Pan Nalin's regard on Tokyo and Japan
is very sensitive and subtle.
The film is full of codes, most are difficult to decipher unless you pay
close attention. Followers of Eastern Religion and Philosophy will be
able to point out these symbols.. Valley… isa very bold step in
unexplored territories and comes out strong as a scriptwriter , 
director, filmmaker with exceptional talent and  with guts (connect the
faith in the rebirth of a debate on euthanasia.-"Real life Aghoris and
Yogis are in the cast, some of the highest shots ever taken for a
fiction film at the altitude of approx. 6,600 metres (20,000 feet) in
the Himalayas,.to watch out for.
In thisParallel Cinema Parallel Cinema IMHO Valley of Flowers invents
its own "genre" -thus it is non-classifiable.
  Remind  us of Antonioni's "The Passenger" -the lead, Jack Nicholson
plays reporter who does his time in the desert and steals identity of a
dead arm trafficker. Then he meets Maria Schneider character, love
blossoms and together they travel into the oblivion... Like Jelan and
Usna of Valley of Flowers
Spanning over one thousand years, and three parallel stories, The
Fountain seems to be Western version of a similiar nonlinear and
ambiguous story of love, death, spirituality, and the fragility of our
existence in this world
The Fountain ( death is the road to awe )
BTW For the Theosophist on this forum:"Valley of Flowers"seems to be
based on motifs of the novel, love spells and black magic: Adventures in
Tibet (Original: Magic d'amour et magie noire) by Theosophist  Mystic,
anarchist, occultist and traveller, Louise Eugenie Alexandrine Marie
ONLINE BOOK :Alexandra David-Neel:Explorer at the Roof of the World

On the 28th February 1973, the ashes of  101 years old !Alexandra
David-Neel, the" first western woman" to enter Tibet, along with those
of her adopted son, Lama Yongden, were scattered over the waters of the
Ganges at the holy city of Benares. On 15 October, 1982, and from May 21
to 26, 1986, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama (Tenzin Gyatso) paid her
tribute by coming to Digne to visit her house. Samten-Dzong now contains
a museum and is the head office of The Alexandra David-Néel Cultural
Centre. Visitors to the museum can see Alexandra's arm chair, cane,
a necklace of gold coins from Prince Sidkeong of Sikkim, and meditation
beads from the Gomchen of Lachen.


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