Dear Friends:

Please honor us with your presence at
today's kirtan, lecture, and feast at 105 S 3rd Street in
Fairfield, Iowa, beginning at noon today, Saturday, May 11th. If you can not 
come in body, then come in mind in spirit in your
heart, simply by reading the adventure below.

I have promised to deliver a lecture of
flying in the Vaishnava (those who believe in Vishnu as supreme)
tradition.  Here is one such example among many.  The lecture will
begin at 12:30, after Hare Krishna kirtan, which will begin at 12 pm. At 1:00 
we shall all enjoy a six course feast of food prepared for
the pleasure of Krishna and offered to Him with loving devotion. 
Once Krishna has enjoyed our offerings by His merciful glance, it is
transformed into Bhagavat Prasadam, which bestows love of Krishna
upon all who experience it.  Even those who hear with faith about
such a feast are elevated in Krishna Bhakti Yoga, or pure love for
God, Who is know in countless traditions by countless names. 

Recently, Krishna's Kindom of Dvaraka,
has been discovered, off the west coast of India.
( )

Once, in truth, in Dvarak, Krishnas
city which recently has been discovered off beneath the sea .  India,
there lived a holy brahmana who desired to have sons.  He had eight
sons, but as soon as each was born, the infant died  In those times,
the king was considered responsible for the safety of all of his
citizens, and so the the brahmana took each of his dead infant sons
and placed them before Maharaja Ugrasena, who did all within his
power to rectify conditions within his kingdom so that such things
would not occur again; just as in the modern day saintly kings engage
their citizens in auspicious activities such as meditation upon the
Supreme, yajna to the devatas, and other pure practices which promote
the welfare of the individual and society at large.

But try as he may, Maharaja Ugrasenda
was unable to protect the sons of the brahmana, who therefore
concluded that the king was lax in his duties to the Lord and the
devatas but instead was enjoying his royal position only to gratify
his senses and for the pleasure of his court. 

Arjuna, who Krishna had instructed in
the Bhagavad Gita, as we all well know, could not bear to hear these
criticisms of the king, and he promised the aggrieved brahmana that
he would protect the next child.  But the brahmana was so upset that
he accused Arjuna of empty boasting, just as many leaders make
promises to us which they are unable or unwilling to fulfill.  But
Arjuna had good reason to believe that he could protect the child,
for he had direct association with the devatas, such as Indra, the
King of Heaven, who had given Arjuna his powerful and spiritually
empowered bow, Gandiva.  Since Arjuna was a great warrior, and the
son of Indra himself, he vowed that he would enter into fire if he
could not protect the child.

But the child died, and Arjuna, true to
his word, prepared to sacrifice himself.  However, Shri Krishna, the
friend of Arjuna, personally came and persuaded Arjuna not to give up
his life.  “We shall go and find the child.” he assured him. 
There are many yogis in this world who can travel into outer space,
but Krishna, who always enjoys the company of His devotees, summoned
His horses and chariot, and He and Arjuna traversed the universe in
search of the child, who could not be found, even in the court of
Yamaraja, the superintendent of death.  Krishna therefore decided to
search beyond this universe, so he directed His chariot across the
dense darkness which covers all the living beings in this world.

Due to this darkness, we are thinking
that this is just another story, whose truth is simply allegorical. 
But Krishna evoked His Sudarshan Chakra by whose glowing effulgence
the darkness was dissipated.  This disk of light is also a
personality, and its name, Sudarshan, indicates that it provides good
(su) audience or vision (darshan).  A power, big wheel indeed!

Following Sudarshan, Krishna and Arjuna
approached Lord Narayana, whose name indicates that he is the source
of all naras, or personalities.  Now, I shall quote directly from
Shrimad Bhagavatam, available online at 
[Lord Mahā-Viṣṇusaid:] I brought the brāhmaṇa's
sons here because I wanted to see the two of you, My expansions, who
have descended to the earth to save the principles of religion. As
soon as you finish killing the demons who burden the earth, quickly
come back here to Me.
Although all your desires are completely fulfilled, O best of exalted
personalities, for the benefit of the people in general you should
continue to exemplify religious behavior as the sages Naraand Nārāyaṇa.
Thus instructed by the Supreme Lord of the topmost planet, Kṛṣṇaand 
Arjunaassented by chanting oḿ,
and then they bowed down to almighty Lord Mahā-Viṣṇu.
Taking the brāhmaṇa's
sons with them, they returned with great delight to Dvārakāby the same path 
along which they had come. There they presented the brāhmaṇawith his sons, who 
were in the same infant bodies in which they had
been lost.
Having seen the domain of Lord Viṣṇu, Arjunawas totally amazed. He concluded 
that whatever extraordinary power a
person exhibits can only be a manifestation of ŚrīKṛṣṇa's
Please come to our kirtan and festival,
and fly with us beyond the confines of this material world.  The
more, the merrier, so bring your friends.  Or visit us simply by
giving us your prayers and blessings.

Jai Gurudeva.
Hare Krishna.
Fairfield, 4/11/13
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The English Teacher And The Golden Avatar
Short Stories From Renaissance High   


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