--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert Gimbel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> If you think it's bad in Fairfield, Iowa, you should try Philadelphia, 
> where I just returned from visting my sister...
> Now there's a city in ruins; the city where this gift of freedom 
> started, is now ready to fall down.
> Drugs and prostitution has taken over large parts of the city.

And drugs and prostitution are a bad thing? Because ..?

Oh I get it, you are bemoaning that the "prohibition works guud
caveman mentality" for drugs and prostitution  is still prevalent in
city where this gift of freedom started. yes, THAT is ironic, and that
is a crime.

But prohibition laws that: 
    * provide substantial revenue sources for real crime syndicates, 
    *diverting substantial law enforcement and prison resources to
protect us from  victimless crimes,
    * diminishing the future earning power and contribution to society
of those with drug and prositution "criminal records" who remain under
or non-employed --  (and aside from the personal tragedy of such,
diminish the the tax base and promote actual crime when such victims
can't afford the cost of living, 
    *preventing explicit health and quality regulation from trade
groups, or if need be, the government, which would prevent actual
health problems, 
    * promoting the spread of Aids and Hepititus by rejecting need
exchange programs,

those laws in the city of brotherly love and the incubus of freedom,
yes, that is a HIGH crime.

In the age of Enlightenment such laws will be as archaic as slavery.
Temple dancers and courtesans will flourish and be highly respected
members of society (Just like on Fireflies). And the Holy Shoppe of
Ganja franchise (next to every Starbucks), with 300 varieties of
Shiva's gift will prevail. (Of which I don't partake -- but I defend
vigorously the right for any spiritual aspirant -- or <choke> dare I
say "happiness seeker" to pursue. I mean how far from "Life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness* have we come?!)

*(In ANY way you define it as long as you don't encroach the rights of

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