I never knew this before...


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From: Care2 Causes <care2-cau...@newsletters.care2.com>
To: sharelon...@yahoo.com 
Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2013 5:39 AM
Subject: Dolphins Have Their Own Names for Each Other


Check out the causes you care about most -- with stories from Care2's network 
of bloggers and non-profit partners.

  Hate To Exercise? Blame Your Parents
I hated sports class at school: playing hockey on muddy fields, being forced to 
play tennis with a ‘lazy eye,’ meaning I almost always missed...read more   
  Why Managing your Medicine Matters
Older adults often face a double whammy when it comes to medicine. They’re more 
likely to use medications than younger people, but they’re also more...
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  9 Reasons to Love Elizabeth Warren
A video of newly elected Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren went viral this 
past week. No, she wasn’t doing the Harlem Shake, but she did something...
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  Experimenting With Full Inclusion of Disabled Students in the Classroom
Could we finally be seeing some education justice for disabled students? School 
systems have been struggling with how to integrate disabled children for...
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take action, now! 
Save Susi, Sweden's most important wolf
signatures: 124738
created by: Mats Carnmarker
sign now     
  Need That ‘A’ Grade? Try Denying Climate And Evolution
It’s happening in Oklahoma – again. A bill that would prevent teachers from 
marking down students who turn in papers that dispute ideas like...
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  Japan Refuses to Give Up Whale Slaughter After Clash with Sea Shepherd
Japan has rejected claims that this year’s whale hunt is over following a clash 
with the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in the Southern Ocean...
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  Oklahoma May Deny Women Affordable Birth Control Because It ‘Poisons Their 
Oklahoma already prevents women from using their insurance plans to help cover 
abortion services, but Republicans aren’t stopping there.
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  Dolphins Have Their Own Names for Each Other
Dolphins actually call one another by name, a behavior previously thought to 
only occur in humans.
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