>From: Jeffrey Smith <jeffrey_m_sm...@responsibletechnology.org>
>Subject: This week only-watch Jeffrey Smith's new GMO documentary free online
>To: iggysdaugh...@yahoo.com
>Date: Saturday, September 15, 2012, 12:08 AM
>Jeffrey Smith, Executive Director  Watch Jeffrey Smith's Groundbreaking Movie 
>Genetic Roulette 
>Jeffrey Smith’s new documentary Genetic Roulette—The Gamble of Our Lives is 
>turning out to be a life-changer, and you can watch it for free online from 
>September 15-22 at: www.GeneticRouletteMovie.com
>“It is in fact one of the most important stories ever told.”
>—John Robbins, Bestselling author ofDiet for a New America and Food Revolution
>Genetic Roulette—The Gamble of Our Lives has audiences rushing home to clear 
>out their cupboards of dangerous genetically modified (GM) foods. The evidence 
>presented in the film makes the best case yet for why genetically modified 
>organisms (GMOs) are linked to disorders such as allergies, inflammatory bowel 
>disease, infertility, autism, and cancer, to name a few. One health 
>practitioner, Mary Tobin, L.Ac., said the film “provides abundant evidence 
>that eating a GMO-free diet is the single most important change Americans can 
>make for their health.
>That evidence not only includes doctors and patients testimonials, but also 
>veterinarians and farmers who describe dramatic health improvements in animals 
>that switched to non-GMO feed. The categories of diseases that improve in 
>humans and animals are the ones found in lab animals fed GMOs.  And these are 
>many of the same categories, e.g. immune, reproductive, and gastrointestinal 
>disorders that have been on the rise in the US population since GMOs were 
>Exposing the Dark Side
>This 85 minute documentary reveals, what author John Robbins calls, “the 
>bullying and deceit of the biotech industry,”— including manipulation of 
>research, attacks on independent scientists and their findings, and 
>infiltration and control of government regulators.
>The film also reveals for the first time to horrific impact among workers on a 
>South Africa farm, who were consuming a higher amount of GMO corn than 
>probably any other group in the world.
>Upbeat, Empowering and World Changing
>Although this film’s eye-opening evidence in the film is sometimes shocking, 
>it is by no means a downer. According to Robbins, it “shines a bright light of 
>hope that we can reclaim our health and our food systems.” Smith explains that 
>as little as 5% of the US population switching to non-GMO foods should deliver 
>a tipping point, inspiring food companies to kick out GM ingredients. It was 
>such a consumer rejection that already kicked GMOs out of Europe.
>The film is being released right in the throes of the California campaign for 
>Prop 37. If it passes in November, food companies will have to label products 
>made with GM ingredients (like they do in nearly 50 other countries). Not only 
>will this make it far easier for people to buy healthier non-GMO choices, the 
>expected migration away from labeled GM products will probably accelerate the 
>tipping point.
>Genetic Roulette—The Gamble of Our Lives is a production of The Institute for 
>Responsible Technology (IRT). Those who view the film during the free showing 
>week are encouraged to support IRT’s efforts, through donations, by 
>subscribing to the Spilling the Beans free e-newsletter, and by joining with 
>other citizen advocates through the Non-GMO Tipping Point Network—to help get 
>the word out in California and beyond.
>“GENETIC ROULETTE unveils a world most of us have never seen. It raises 
>alarming questions about GMOs, and we deserve answers. For all that you love, 
>hear this message and act now.”
>— Frances Moore Lappé, author ofDiet for a Small Planet and EcoMind
>We hope you share this ground breaking film with your family and friends.
>Jeffrey Smith   Share
>On Facebook:
>This week only (Sept 15-22) watch Jeffrey Smith's new GMO documentary free 
>online http://bit.ly/freegrfilm 
>On Twitter:
>This week only (Sept 15-22) watch @JeffreyMSmith new GMO documentary free 
>online http://bit.ly/freegrfilm  #grfreeweek
> Genetic Roulette Movie
>The Institute for Responsible Technology is working to end the genetic 
>engineering of our food supply and the outdoor release of GM crops. We warmly 
>welcome your donations and support. Your donations are 100% tax deductible.  
>Help us Create the Tipping Point in the American Marketplace! 
> Join us on Facebook  Follow us on Twitter 
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