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Freedom Outpost

Dianne Feinstein Is Scheduling Another Senate Gun-Confiscation Hearing... And 
This Time Around, She's Not Going To Allow Pesky Pro-Second Amendment People, 
Like You, Spoil Her Party.

     The Washington Times reported that Senator Feinstein was apparently 
"unhappy with the list of witnesses" who testified at the last hearing and 
"says she plans to hold a separate hearing with witnesses more inclined to back 
gun control."        Why hold another hearing...? The answer is simple. The 
American people are winning the battle to stop Feinstein and Barack Obama from 
eradicating the Second Amendment, but they believe that they can win if they 
simply change the national dialogue by stifling any and all voices of dissent.  
      Oh yes... she'll hold her new hearing... she'll stifle any voice of 
opposition... and she believes her lackeys in the media will give her the 
political cover she needs to trample on your God-given Constitutional rights.   
     But we're going to prove Feinstein and Obama wrong... right here and right 

we're going to prove Feinstein and Obama wrong... right here and right now

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every one 
of the 45 Republican Members of the United States Senate. Or alternatively, 
send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the United States 
Senate. Demand That They Go On Record, Here And Now, And State Their Intent To 
Filibuster The Obama-Feinstein Gun-Grab. Send My Blast Faxes

Send My Blast Faxes

         Plain and simple, Dianne Feinstein and the Obama Administration are 
trying to rig the debate on guns... so they can take away yours.        
Feinstein apparently didn't like the fact that the Senate allowed people who 
believe that the Constitution matters to testify at the last hearing.        
And she's not about to repeat her mistake. The Washington Times went on to 
report: "The [new] hearing, first reported in Politico, will focus on Mrs. 
Feinstein’s support for a ban on military-style semiautomatic rifles, commonly 
called assault weapons."        So Feinstein is going straight to the Obama 
playbook. She's going to hold her own hearing and she is going to shut out all 
voices of reason and stack the panel with anti-Second Amendment cronies.        
And when she's done, she's going to close the doors and decide that, guess 
what, the Second Amendment is bad and the political know-it-alls in Congress 
have a duty to ban as many guns as hu
 manly possible.        She’s going to trample on the Constitution because she 
believes no one is going to stop her... but you can stop her now.

but you can stop her now

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every one 
of the 45 Republican Members of the United States Senate. Or alternatively, 
send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the United States 
Senate. Demand That They Go On Record, Here And Now, And State Their Intent To 
Filibuster The Obama-Feinstein Gun-Grab. Send My Blast Faxes

Send My Blast Faxes

         Think we exaggerate... think it could never happen in America? Lest 
you doubt her true intentions, remember what Feinstein said:        "If I could 
have banned them all - 'Mr. and Mrs. America turn in your guns' - I would 
have!"        Make no mistake about it, Dianne Feinstein is going to use every 
single dirty trick in the progressive liberal playbook to gut your God-given 
Second Amendment rights.        And once the 'Pesky Second Amendment' is out of 
the way, what's to stop Barack Obama and his cronies from putting your other 
Constitutional rights in the crosshairs [pun intended]? Answer: NOTHING...      
  Feinstein has shown that she's willing to stack hearings with her cronies; do 
you doubt that she's beyond cutting closed-door, back-room deals?        Do you 
doubt that she will stop at absolutely nothing to rip the Second Amendment out 
of the Constitution?        Do you doubt that you should not just sit idly by 
as Ob
 ama and Feinstein push to eradicate even more of your God-given rights?

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every one 
of the 45 Republican Members of the United States Senate. Or alternatively, 
send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the United States 
Senate. Demand That They Go On Record, Here And Now, And State Their Intent To 
Filibuster The Obama-Feinstein Gun-Grab. Send My Blast Faxes

Send My Blast Faxes

         There's no gray area here. Feinstein's gun-grab IS unconstitutional 
and like her boss, Feinstein sees the Constitution as a museum exhibit, a relic 
of a by-gone age that needs to be "updated" and "improved."        Well we’ve 
got news for you, Senator Feinstein. The Mona Lisa is not just a painting of a 
woman. No one would ever dare to suggest that it needs to be "improved" or 
"updated."        And like a great work of art, the founding document that gave 
birth to the greatest nation on earth doesn't need any "tweaking" either.       
 Don't take our word for it. Chuck Cooper is a 30-year veteran litigator in 
Washington DC. Named one of the top ten lawyers in the city, he concluded that 
"these provisions [Dianne Feinstein’s new "Assault Weapons" bill"] would 
violate the Second Amendment by prohibiting the use of arms that are in common 
use by ordinary Americans for self defense and other lawful purposes."        
Yet, Dianne Feinstei
 n and Barack Obama want to shove this VERY law down the American people's 
throats. Never mind their oaths of office to support and defend the 
Constitution of the United States. They will do anything to make their desired 
gun ban a reality.        We'll take Cooper’s astute legal opinion a step 
further: Obama and Feinstein's proposed prelude to gun-confiscation – and the 
dirty tricks they are willing to employ to make it happen – is an abomination.  
      They must be stopped and it's up to patriotic Americans, like you, to 
stop them.

the founding document that gave birth to the greatest nation on earth doesn't 
need any "tweaking" either

it's up to patriotic Americans, like you, to stop them

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every one 
of the 45 Republican Members of the United States Senate. Or alternatively, 
send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the United States 
Senate. Demand That They Go On Record, Here And Now, And State Their Intent To 
Filibuster The Obama-Feinstein Gun-Grab. Send My Blast Faxes

Send My Blast Faxes

         Dianne Feinstein and every other elected politician in Washington has 
no right to take away your Constitutional rights, but that's not about to stop 
her from giving it a go.        Our founders, who dealt first-hand with a 
tyrannical and corrupt English king, knew that government power and authority 
is derived from the consent of free people, and that laws are not things that 
are just imposed upon the people by self anointed "rulers."        And it's up 
to patriotic Americans, like us, to stop Feinstein and Obama.        We must 
call them out. We must ensure that Feinstein is not successful in her attempt 
to silence the voices of freedom-loving Americans.        Let's send our 
elected officials a clear message right now: Don’t tread on us and don't you 
dare try to take away our Constitutional rights.

it's up to patriotic Americans, like us, to stop Feinstein and Obama

send our elected officials a clear message right now: Don’t tread on us and 
don't you dare try to take away our Constitutional rights

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every one 
of the 45 Republican Members of the United States Senate. Or alternatively, 
send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the United States 
Senate. Demand That They Go On Record, Here And Now, And State Their Intent To 
Filibuster The Obama-Feinstein Gun-Grab. Send My Blast Faxes

Send My Blast Faxes

         Yours In Freedom Center for Individual Freedom 815 King Street Suite 
303 Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone: 703-535-5836 Fax: 703-535-5838 CFIF is a 
501(c)(4) not-for-profit constitutional advocacy organization with the mission 
to protect and defend individual freedoms and individual rights. Contributions 
to CFIF are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax 


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