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From: <>
Date: Sat, Jun 13, 2015 at 10:52 AM
Subject: New poll out of Ohio. William, please help.
To: William Leed <>


The contrast could not be clearer.

Hillary Clinton is launching her campaign for Barack Obama's third term.

I'm running for President to defeat the Washington Machine.

So it's no surprise a new poll out of Ohio shows me leading her in that key
swing state.

*Will you help me spread the message I am the Republican best positioned to
defeat Hillary Clinton to the voters in the key early primary and caucus
states by making a generous contribution of $100 today

With your help, I hope to give the American people a clear choice in 2016.

I stand for a return to Constitutional principles.

I stand for an end to the Big Government status-quo in Washington.

And I believe Hillary Clinton's record speaks for itself.

The lack of security at our consulate in Benghazi.

Private servers to conceal her emails as Secretary of State.

Millions of dollars in foreign contributions to the Clinton Foundation.

The years of scandal and insider connections Hillary Clinton drags with her
into this campaign represent everything the American people are FED UP with.

That's why a recent Washington Post/ABC News poll showed her favorability
ratings tanking.

But not just "any" Republican can capitalize on her sinking poll numbers.

William, the only other candidate who fared worse was the Republican
establishment's hand-picked "electable" choice!

The American people are searching for a President who will defeat the
Washington Machine, not prop it up.

My ten-and-a-half-hour filibuster to force President Obama's illegal NSA
spying to expire proved I'm 100% committed to this fight.

The next steps in my plan include:

>> REPEALING ObamaCare 100%;

>> SLASHING taxes for every American to get our economy moving and put the
federal government on a diet;

>> TACKLING our out-of-control $18 trillion debt by passing a Balanced
Budget Amendment;

>> MAKING Congress read the bills they scheme to ram into law;

>> ENDING the reign of career politicians with term limits.

Defeating the Washington Machine isn't just a campaign slogan.

I've proven I'm serious and I earned the scars to prove it.

That's why polls in states Republicans must win like Colorado, Iowa, New
Hampshire, Ohio and Pennsylvania show me leading Hillary Clinton in
head-to-head matchups.

But I need your help to spread this message to the voters in the key early
states that I am the Republican best positioned to defeat Hillary Clinton.

William, Hillary is going to enter this campaign armed with a $2 BILLION
attack machine to tear down her opponent.

And if our party nominates another "electable" establishment choice, we
will throw away our best chance to stop her from winning Barack Obama's
third term.

*So make your generous contribtuion of $25, $50, or even $100 right away
and help spread the message the latest poll showing me leading Hillary
Clinton in Ohio proves I am the Republican best positioned to defeat her

In Liberty,

Rand Paul


 Paid for by Rand Paul for President

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