 From: news...@reply.newsmax.com
To: wle...@aol.com
Sent: 8/31/2012  7:04:07 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Obama, Pentagon Threaten Legal  Action Against SEAL Author


Pentagon Mulls Legal  Action Against SEAL  
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Pentagon's top lawyer has informed the  former Navy 
SEAL who authored a forthcoming book describing  details of the raid that 
killed Osama bin Laden that he violated  agreements to not divulge military 
secrets and that as a result  the Pentagon is considering taking legal action 
against him.  
Editor's Note: _Get  'No Easy Day' with FREE Offer! Go Here Now _ 
The general counsel of the Defense Department, Jeh Johnson,  wrote in a 
letter transmitted to the author on Thursday that he  had signed two 
nondisclosure agreements with the Navy in 2007 that  obliged him to "never 
classified information. Johnson  said that after reviewing a copy of the book, 
"No Easy Day," the  Pentagon concluded that the author is in "material 
breach and  violation" of the agreements.  
Johnson said the department is considering pursuing against him  "all 
remedies legally available to us."  
Copyright © 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. 
URGENT NOTE:  Get your copy of 'No Easy Day' with our FREE offer — Save  
Find out why Obama is so afraid of this book.  
_Go  Here Now for FREE Offer _ 
This book has not been released yet — so order today.  
Get 'No  Easy Day'  
A  book by Navy SEAL Mark Owen about the mission to kill bin  Laden  
Get  "No Easy Day" with FREE Offer — Save $27!   
'No Easy Day: The Firsthand Account of the  Mission That Killed Osama bin 
The Pentagon and Obama administration are furious that a  Navy SEAL has 
broken his silence to reveal what happened on  the day bin Laden was killed . . 
. and the role played by  President Obama in that remarkable mission.  
For the first time anywhere, a SEAL who was part of the  bin Laden mission 
gives his first-person account of the  planning and execution of the bin 
Laden raid . . . and his  own confrontation with the terrorist mastermind — 
including  what he witnessed during bin Laden's final moments.  
Please Note: Get "No Easy Day" with FREE Offer –  _Go  Here Now_ 
>From the streets of Iraq to the rescue of Captain Richard  Phillips in the 
Indian Ocean, and from the mountaintops of  Afghanistan to the third floor 
of Osama bin Laden’s  compound, operator Mark Owen of the U.S. Naval Special  
Warfare Development Group — commonly known as SEAL Team Six  — has been a 
part of some of the most memorable special  operations in history, as well 
as countless missions that  never made headlines.  
No Easy Day: The Firsthand Account of the Mission  That Killed Osama bin 
Laden puts readers alongside  Owen and the other handpicked members of the 
24-man team as  they train for the biggest mission of their lives. The  
blow-by-blow narrative of the assault, beginning with the  helicopter crash 
could have ended Owen’s life straight  through to the radio call confirming 
bin Laden’s death, is  an essential piece of modern history.  
In No Easy Day, Owen also takes readers  onto the field of battle in America
’s ongoing War on Terror  and details the selection and training process 
for one of  the most elite units in the military.  
Owen’s story draws on his youth in Alaska and describes  the SEALs’ quest 
to challenge themselves at the highest  levels of physical and mental 
With boots-on-the-ground detail, Owen describes numerous  previously 
unreported missions that illustrate the life and  work of a SEAL and the 
of the team after the  events of September 11.  
In telling the true story of the SEALs whose talents,  skills, experiences, 
and exceptional sacrifices led to one  of the greatest victories in the War 
on Terror, Mark Owen  honors the men who risk everything for our country, 
and he  leaves readers with a deep understanding of the warriors who  keep 
America safe.  
Get "No Easy Day" with FREE Offer – _Go  Here Now_ 

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