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My dad used to tell me, "In this country, you will be able to accomplish all 
the things we never could." He and my mom emigrated from Cuba to America to 
give us a better life.
They believed in American exceptionalism, the promise of America.
America was founded on the principle that every person has God-given rights; 
power belongs to the people; and government exists to protect our rights. We 
shouldn't be trapped by the circumstances of our birth -- we should be free to 
go as far as our talents and work can take us.
In America, we're united not by a common race or ethnicity -- but by common 
values. This election's about preserving those values and applying the founding 
principles to solve the challenges of our time.
It's a choice about what kind of country we want to leave our children. Let's 
choose more freedom instead of more government. Let's choose Mitt Romney and 
the Republican team to lead our nation back to prosperity.
Mitt believes we need to change the direction of our country. He has a plan to 
create 12 million new jobs. Together with the Republican team, he can deliver 
the real recovery America deserves. 
Supporters of Mitt Romney and the Republican team also believe in this plan for 
a real recovery. They have shown their support by giving countless hours 
contacting voters and telling them about Mitt's plan. 
With Election Day 3 weeks away, every effort made takes us one step closer to 
victory. In 2012, volunteers have made 3.5 times more phone calls than they had 
at the same time in the 2008 campaign. Victory volunteers have knocked on 13 
times as many doors than they had at the same time in the 2008 campaign -- 4 
times as many doors than the entire 2008 campaign combined. Since the national 
absentee and early voting turnout program began, over 108,000 volunteers have 
made nearly 23 million volunteer voter contacts - nearly 40 million voter 
contacts since Victory launched this year.
It is because of the work of these supporters that we will have a Republican 
victory in 2012.
Contribute now to preserve American exceptionalism by electing Mitt Romney, 
Paul Ryan, and conservatives across the country.


Marco Rubio
U.S. Senator, Florida

Paid for by Romney Victory, Inc., a joint fundraising committee authorized by 
and composed of Romney for President, Inc., the Republican National Committee, 
the Idaho Republican Party, the Massachusetts Republican Party, the Oklahoma 
Leadership Council, the Vermont Republican Federal Election Committee, the 
National Republican Senatorial Committee, and the National Republican 
Congressional Committee.

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