Forwarded from a friend:

On Sunday, March 30, 2014 12:09 AM, Kathy McNamara <> wrote:
As you know, it's very rare for me to get involved with county politics - 
however when I read the article about the health dangers of the gmo dust likely 
to blanket FF if the proposed Heartland grain elevator is approved on Monday 
(3/31) - I became quite concerned and thought I'd pass on the info in case 
you'd like to attend the Board of Supervisor's meeting where they are 
considering a resolution in support of the application to build it. Please 
excuse the mass email format...
Info about the proposed project:
The FB event page that alerted me to the issue:
The article about the results of a GMO dust test that so unsettled me:
Text from the FB event page:
"Board of Supervisors meeting. It is critical that we get bodies to this 
meeting that are in opposition of the Grain Elevator that is going in 1 Mile 
East of Fairfield, at the intersection of Nutmeg and old Hwy 34. It will 
adversely effect the quality of life of everyone in Fairfield. 
The ground up GMO dust will be airborne, not to mention the level of noise 
created by it and the increased Truck and Train Traffic. It will have a 
railroad spur and be loading 1000 train cars a week, which would take thousands 
of semi-tractor trailers of grain into the facility. 
STOP THIS PROJECT before is it too late. Show your support by being there in 
person. Meeting starts promptly at 9AM, so let's gather at 8:45 in MASS."
>From a comment on the page: "1000 railcars per week out of the proposed 
>Heartland Coop....each car is filled by 4.5 (average) semi-loads. That's 4500 
>trucks in and out of this facility weekly. Rural roads like Salina and 
>Pleasant Plain and 185th will be jammed with truck traffic."
Kathy McNamara

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