--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Dick Richardson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> A Gnostic is a one who knows>>

Gnostic is a secret society in ancient Palestine, who were an offshoot,
or branch, of the ancient Egyptian orders ifluenced and/or sent through
the Sinai and with Moses too, but he was just one of many missionaries
of the Egyptian Master Priests who ruled that Kingdonm with absolute
power. The Rama-sees were utlimately subservient to them when all was
said and done. The ancient order of the Gnostics were involved in the
secret writing/interpretation of the Torah, and the use of the Kabbalah
to interpret such knowledge (gnosos.) They morphed into  the Knights
Templar, who ended up in exile from the despotic popes, in Scotland near
Rosslyn, and gave rise to the ancient Scottish order of  Knights Templar
and the FreeMasons, and ultimately the FreeMasons of later times in
England and beyond. Sir Francis Bacon re-invigorated that tradition in
England with the support of the modernist Queen Elizabeth and her elder
spiritual advisor Dr. Dee, the master of the occult (hidden/secret)
traditions (of which the gnostics were the main representative in the
times of the Old Testament and even during the mythical Jesus' time.)
Sir Walter Raliegh was sent to the New World by Bacon and Dr. Dee with
the specific Freemason charge of capturing the 77th parallel - long
believed by the ancient occult monks and secret orders to be "God's
Longitude".  Bacon and the rationalists who believed in a future 'New
Jerusalem' ("Age of Enlightenment") based not on religious fervor ,but
on scientific and alchemical (testable) principles that the Ancient
Egyptians (the longest lasting full-blown functional civilization ever
known) had espoused and passed on - a blasphemy so great among the
Talibanesque Christian fundamentalists that it sent them into secret
(the Gnostics and the Templars) yet this is the philoshophy and approach
to which the founders of America paid obescience (to Francis Bacon) by
their own admission, and the reason they literally built Washington DC
in a useless swamp of the time, and filled it with Masonic/Egyptian
symbols) and a secret society that thrives still today. Not as a
benevolent or wicked endeavor, but simply an endeavor of enduring
nature, age after age. Who knows its end, and yet, if consciousness is
to infuse all beings in a higher order of mentality and enlightenment,
then their ancient goals will have been achieved. How beautifully ironic
-- OffWorld Nov. 15 '08

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