For all the
"cow-herd girl'"gopis  in reference to the holy  LORD GOPINATHA  for the next 
 "heure du berger" bucolic post readings
 in this approaching year 2011
at the romantic "locus amoenus" Fairy Field idyllic Arkadia of pastourelle Souls

let me play new years tune( with the help of youtube)
 for  all 
you  Mothers and Daughters Divine at FFL 
 and  You
their  Kingly fairies and elves 
(i declare hereby all in Purusha state at FFL Purushamedha)

Margo Sylvia & Tune Weavers - What Are You Doing New Year's Eve

Happy New Year tune. In Hebrew.

Shana tova everyone! With Maharishi Honey bee

Happy New Year
sung by Song Zuying - Vienna

I,a young girl am going to pay new year calls
Gold lock
Silver lock
Sparrow and parrot
And parrot
I had cross the river
Who can ferry the young girl across the river
I will help you
Please hold the rudder
I am getting on your boat
Let us cross the river now
In the spring days of March
I a young girl am going to see the relative
Gold lock
Silver lock
Sparrow and parrot
And parrot
I have to cross the river
Who can ferry the young girl across the river
Will help you this time as well
Please hold the rudder
I am getting on your boat
Let us cross the river now

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