Human foetus feels no pain before 24 weeks, study says
Finding in major  review of scientific evidence strikes blow to those
seeking to reduce  upper time limit for abortion
James Meikle - <> <> ,
Friday  25 June 2010 10.35 BST

  [Ultrasound scan of foetus at 20 weeks]
Ultrasound scan of a foetus. The report found  that connections in the
foetal brain are not fully formed before 24  weeks.
Photograph: Vincenzo Lombardo/Getty Images
        The human foetus feels no pain before 24 weeks, according to a 
major review of scientific evidence published today.

The  connections in the foetal brain are not fully formed in that time,
nor  is the foetus conscious, according to the Royal College of
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
<> .

The  findings of two reports commissioned by the Department of Health
strike  a blow to those seeking to reduce the upper time limit for
having an abortion <> ,
currently at 24 weeks.

The  studies suggest that late abortions, permitted for serious 
abnormalities or risks to a woman's health, do not result in foetal 
suffering because of increasing evidence that the chemical environment 
in the uterus induces "a continuous sleep-like unconsciousness or 

The review of existing evidence, as well as guidance to  health
professionals and information for mothers, was instigated on the 
recommendation of the Commons health select committee two years ago.

Efforts in the Commons to reduce abortion limits to 22 or 20 weeks were
defeated in 2008
<> . The
reports will hamper campaigners'  efforts for an early return to the
topic, despite David  Cameron having suggested before the election that
that might happen
<> .

The  report on pain perception says: "It was apparent that connections
from  the periphery to the cortex are not intact before 24 weeks of
gestation  and, as most neuroscientists believe that the cortex is
necessary for  pain perception, it can be concluded that the foetus
cannot experience  pain in any sense prior to this gestation."

Even after 24 weeks,  "it is difficult to say that the foetus
experiences pain because this,  like all other experiences, develops
post-natally along with memory and  other learned behaviours".

The second report, into conditions  where a pregnancy
<>  might be  terminated
for foetal abnormality, says: "... it is unrealistic to  produce a
definitive list of conditions that constitute 'serious'  handicap since
accurate diagnostic techniques are as yet unavailable".

This  could be seen as a setback for those who wanted greater clarity on
the  issue after reports of late abortions for correctable conditions
such as  cleft palate.

Anti-abortion campaigners said the work did not  challenge other
arguments for a lower limit.

Josephine  Quintavalle, of Comment on Reproductive Ethics, said:
"Performing  abortion humanely does not justify the fact that you are
terminating a  human life."

The health department said: "We welcome any report  that adds to our
understanding of foetal development."\

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