I love his message, his imperative to "Turn the other check and Love thy 
neighbor". And to remove the timber in ones own eye before criticizing the 
sliver in our neighbors. And to let the one without sin cast the first stone. I 
see a bright and shining essence in those words. I love that bright shining 

I am not sure that makes me a Christian. If it does, clearly I am not a very 
sophisticated one. I have yet to find where in the Bible he disavows himself 
and says "Turn the other check and Love thy neighbor" is bunk, "I didn't really 
mean it. Hate and Wrath is where its at -- and the single door to Peace on 
Earth" (and to Heaven -- some may see these as the same.) 

Because a lot of sophisticated Christians appear to have found that passage. 
And practice it with all heart and soul. If I ever find that passage, I am not 
sure that I will love Jesus so much. No, wait. Yes I will -- because I love 
that bright shining essence -- and his first message -- the turn the other 
check and love thy neighbor part, If the secret passage nullifying this exists, 
I am guessing that he was just messing with us. Testing our understanding of 
him and his message. I am not falling for that. 

I am going with that light -- the brightness that he shone on the world and its 
things --  that bright shining essence that dissolves hate, wrath, 
vindictiveness, tribalism and narcisistic love of self, community, nation and 
things above others.


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