Subject: The October Surprise! Creating a Wave of National Coherence for the 

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| Office of the National Director |
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| AUGUST 16, 2016The October Surprise!Creating a Wave of National Coherence
 for the ElectionsDear Sidhas and Governors,This election season is like no 
other. It has polarized America more than any other. And whoever wins, it will 
leave a very large segment of our population deeply frustrated—dangerously 
disenfranchised. More than ever, we need a wave of national coherence.The 
candidates espouse very different visions for our country. And yet, though 
America is deeply divided, we can all agree on one thing: We all want the best 
possible outcome. We all want what is best for America and the world.And we 
also know this: As a nation, on the whole, we get what we deserve. And this 
November, Nature will give us what we deserve. But Sidhas and Governors also 
know that we can substantially improve our deservability—even for the whole 
country—by blissfully tending to our daily program, especially in large 
groups.So... as this election season reaches its peak, are you ready to create 
a burst of blissful coherence? A wave of national unity?Come and join us in 
Fairfield, Iowa, for a month-long Festival of Coherence that we are calling: 
The October Surprise! 

As Sidhas, we can easily uplift our national 
consciousness. We can enliven the all-powerful, nourishing power of Natural 
Law—just by joining with other Sidhas. In Fairfield, we have one of the largest 
creating-coherence groups in the entire world. Let’s take advantage of this 
opportunity to bring healing, unity, and maximum support of Nature to this 
great country of ours—especially during this critical decision point.The 
October Surprise runs for four weeks: from Saturday October 15th to Saturday 
November 12th. You can join us for any period: from a couple of days to the 
whole four weeks. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! (Come for all of October if you have the 
time.)We have amazing speakers, national celebrities, and special events lined 
up for you.To participate in The October Surprise, simply apply online to join 
the Invincible America Assembly (also referred to as “obtaining a Dome badge”), 
and then just make your way to Fairfield/Maharishi Vedic City.In most cases it 
takes only a few days for approval of a Dome badge. If you already have a 
current Dome badge, please just come.Free accommodations (single room, shared 
bath, dorm style) will be provided to as many guests as possible. If you are 
interested in this option, please write to is a 
once-every-four-year opportunity to massively leverage our collective power, 
and shape a new destiny for America. DON’T MISS IT!With warmest wishes,Dr. John 

National Director

Maharishi Foundation USANeed to look up an email sent from National?
 The Archives tab on the Governors Resource website lists recent emails sent to 
Governors, Sidhas, Meditators, and TM inquirers. |
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