While a movie made about one Internet billionaire
is getting a lot of attention and Oscar buzz, there
was a 2009 movie about early Internet pioneers that
in many ways is a better film. But it's not every-
body's cuppa tea because the Internet pioneer in
question made his money not by selling the illusion
that you have friends (Facebook), but by figuring 
out how to sell things over the Net, period. 

"Middle Men" is based on the true story of Christopher
Mallick, who kinda invented the idea of paying for 
stuff over the Net using credit cards. Trouble was
that the stuff he was selling was porn. Mallick set
up a company that acted as a "middle man" between the
owners of the porn sites and the customers out there
whacking off in cyberspace. Made millions.

Fascinating story. In the end Mallick's partners went
to prison because they got involved with the Russian
mafia and kiddie porn, but he got tipped off early by
the FBI because they considered him a hero who had 
helped them immeasurably in the fight against worldwide 
terrorism. No shit. It turns out that terrorists were 
big porn fans. They'd be holed up in some hovel in 
Afghanistan whacking off to one of his porn sites and
paying for it with a credit card the FBI was tracking, 
and so they were able to pinpoint the terrorists and
send a cruise missile to give them a different kind 
of "happy ending" than they were expecting.

Not a great film, but more entertaining in many ways
than "The Social Network." Good cast, too. Luke Wilson,
Giovanni Ribisi, Gabriel Macht, James Caan, Kevin Pollak,
Kelsey Grammer, and others. Lots of attractive women,
natch, because it's a film about the porn industry.
But don't get all snooty and look down on the porn
industry. Every time you pay for something on the Net 
using a credit card, remember that they invented the 
technology you're using.

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