I appreciate you sharing your views with me, and I believe you deserve a 
heartfelt response from me.  As surprising as the Iowa Supreme Court's 
unanimous decision may have seemed, it made sense to me as I read the decision. 
 The court's decision went through each of the arguments against same sex 
marriage presented by the Polk County Attorney and pointed out how making that 
distinction is not consistent with the Equal Protection Clause of the Iowa 

A decision was made in 1839 by the Iowa Supreme Court based on the same Equal 
Protection Clause that said no to slavery, 26 years before the Civil War 
settled that question. In 1868 the court also said no to "Separate but equal" 
schools, and 85 years before the US Supreme Court decided in Brown v. Board of 
Education. In another case in 1869, the court ruled that women may not be 
denied the right to practice law in Iowa.

I understand that Iowans are concerned about the possible impact of this 
decision on our churches and other religious institutions. The Supreme Court 
faced these concerns head-on when it stated this in its unanimous ruling: 
"Religious doctrine and views contrary to this principle of law are unaffected, 
and people can continue to associate with the religion that best reflects their 
views. A religious denomination can still define marriage as a union between a 
man and a woman, and a marriage ceremony performed by a minister, priest, 
rabbi, or other person ordained or designated as a leader of the person's 
religious faith does not lose its meaning as a sacrament or other religious 
institution. The sanctity of all religious marriages celebrated in the future 
will have the same meaning as those celebrated in the past."

Two of the most important teachings for me from my Christian upbringing are 
that we are all equal in the eyes of God and we are to love our neighbors as 
ourselves. I am still working on those, recognizing my own weaknesses and 
frailties, and needing frequent reminders that we are all struggling to live 
our beliefs, and those beliefs may not be shared by others.  

At this time I am concerned about adding a constitutional amendment that could 
possibility erode the Equal Protection Clause. It has been the basis for 
individual rights for Iowans throughout history, and it has protected us from 
governmental interference into areas of our private lives. However, I am 
keeping an open mind to see if one could be written that would strengthen the 
constitution. I have received many calls and emails regarding this issue and 
will continue to listen and learn from the wide range of views expressed.  

Thank you for taking the time to write to me. If you would like to read the 
complete text of the decision you can go to: 

State Senate Becky Schmitz
Fairfield, IA


If you live in my district and want to be on my legislative newsletter,
just send a request to my email.

-----Original Message-----
From: raunchy...@yahoo.com
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 6:19 AM
To: Schmitz, Becky [LEGIS]
Subject: Please don't amend the Iowa Constitution!

Senator Becky Schmitz
Iowa Legislature
Second Floor, State Capitol
Des Moines, IA 50319

Dear Senator Schmitz,

As an Iowan, I'm proud that our state has taken the lead by granting the 
freedom to marry to caring, committed gay and lesbian couples. I support this 
historic decision and want to see it upheld. Please don't amend the 
Constitution to take away the freedom to marry.

The Constitution protects rights. It should never deny rights. The Court 
decision favoring same sex marriage is correct. Same sex couples and their 
families deserve the protection of the state of Iowa equal to the protection of 
every family in Iowa. 

The Iowa legislators have important things to do and should not waste time and 
taxpayer money pursuing the folly of amending the constitution for the sake of 
pandering to an ever-dwindling conservative base. 

Diversity in America is rising. Iowa legislators should swim with the tide or 
expect to drown on election day. 

Don't pay attention to out of state activists. They don't vote in Iowa and 
should mind their own business.

Fairfield, Iowa

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