The jyotish chart for the USA shows that it is running the major period of 
Rahu, placed in the 8th house  Ordinarily, this placement would mean that the 
USA will be undergoing a major transformation or a war with another country.  
But fortunately the USA has learned quite a bit from its recent war scenarios  
namely in Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam and World War II.

 The next election will be preoccupied with building or not funding The Trump 
Wall in the southern border of the USA.  Both of the major parties will be 
accusing each other of committing illegal or unconstitutional acts.  But the 
saving fact of the nation is that the people will eschew politics in place of 
economic prosperity.  

 In using Brighu nandi nadi technique, we find that Rahu is placed in the 11th 
place from the placement of Saturn in the national chart.  This means that 
despite the political turmoil, USA will find its economy improving or 
relatively stable.

 There may be some good news relating to the use of AI in some sectors of the 
economy, such car manufacturing, medical diagnoses, and processing of loan 
applications.  These developments may pave the way to accepting the 
colonization of Mars and the mining of asteroids within the next 100 years.

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