I just saw a clip of JFK giving "ask not.."  speech. Pure magic, IMO.
Regardless, what you may think of his politics -- I personally liked
many -- not all of his ideas and visions. He was a great speaker,
clear inspiring, articulate and visionary. I know from personal
experience, that he inspired many, 4 years or more older than me, to
join the Peace Corp after high school. Or college.   

And his bother Bobby. i don't really care about their sex lives. He
was incredibly inspiring, and motivational. I never heard him speak
(other than pissing next to him in a tough at a ski resort, and talkng
to him on a bus, across from him, both sitting on edge aisles,  at
same resort), but I am still inspired by  hippie/ UCB student/great
guy, and friend, Dave, (Tina Kessler a friend of his, and mine, if you
know her -- anthropology  phd at UCB -- or fantastic, sweet and
charming,  blonde, hippie chid incanrnate of 60's, sister Leala)
probably dead, or maybe netcom billionaire), student at UCB  (UC
Bekeley -- the hub of the universe -- or "the Revolution") of Bobby's
speeches at UCB. 

Compare him (RFK or JKF0 to GWB: "um uh, WTF am I supposed to say here

Rising world consciosness since MMY startd teachng in US in early

Just a thought. Seems to me we may have regressed, backtracked since
the early 60's. Puts all this "rising World Consocuiosnss" to doubt.
(Well, thats my non-dogmatic view-- in the moment. Maybe Nab will show
me the light, the error of my thinking, perceiving. As will Jim.) 

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