It's a very traditional love story - just on a bigger scale than usual.

A tame female elephant has fled an Indian circus after eloping with a
wild bull elephant that broke open a gate and led her off into the
jungle, her distraught handler said today.

The wild male, who wildlife officials believe was probably in musth -
the periodic condition in which bull elephants seek to mate - turned
up at the travelling circus when it stopped in the village of Kumar
Bazar, in West Bengal state, yesterday.

It broke into an enclosure and led Savitri into the jungle, with the
pair being followed by three other female elephants in the same pen.
Their trumpeting alerted circus workers, who led them back.

When handlers called for Savitri to come to them, she looped her trunk
around the bull's leg and "he protectively shielded her like in a
Bollywood blockbuster," the official said.

The forestry department said it would continue to monitor the pair to
ensure they did not cause any damage.,,2159095,00.html

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