Just for little Willy

I am not a teacher or a guru. I have never had or wanted a guru, my only
teacher has been LIFE and living it. I talk and write about what I found
because I was asked to do so by Professor Abdus Salam, and the
Archbishop of Canterbury and a few other physicists and cosmologists.
You can do the same, just write your book about what you found. Nothing
is stopping you.

However, if there is a sensible question which you wish to ask before I
go then feel free to ask it. If I know the answer to it then I will
answer it. If I don't know the answer to it then I will tell you
that I don't know the answer to it. If it is a question which I only
have IMPLICATIONS of then I will tell you that I only have implications
of it. Would that all others were as honest eh. I have nothing to gain
and nothing to lose by speaking of what I found. If you do not have a
sensible question to ask, then shut up or just tell of what you have
found as of yet. It is the old story and we all know it well enough
– tell them something and there are many out there just waiting to
chop your head off; because they have nothing better to do and nothing
to say. But who cares, come and do it if you have the guts. You have to
be a warrior for this job in a world such as this is today, don't
you know.

Dick Richardson.

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