Actually, if you listen more carefully they were saying "um, torah" which 
proves they were hinjoos -- not shinto / buddhists. Though they maintained some 
shinto  ways -- kami in shinto tradition is the spiritual essence in 
everything. Specifically the kamikaze divebombers were seeking to liberate the 
kami in their targets. Meanwhile, a few years latter in the US, great muktis 
such as joseph mccarthy  would see kami everywhere and shout "kamis are 
everywhere." This was not lost on one of his young aides, Robert Kennedy, who 
later in early 60's tried to find kami throught vietnam and south east asia 
partulularly among the buddhists. So he and his brother supported catholics -- 
who they knew had no kami -- in the  South of Vietnam to pull the kami out of 
the buddhists. But the buddhists, being a clever lot, gave them kama instead of 
kami -- and hallways, bedrooms and swimming pools of the white House were never 
the same. In fact kama escaped from the WH and spread likewild fire throughout 
the nation -- culminating in the Summer of Love in 1967. A visiting hindoo 
monk, who would later take on many hinjoo disciples said "ah, the US is the 
most Loving nation in the world -- Loving is its essence." To better understand 
americans, he ask a young lady, what is this Summer of Love, may I give you my 
love?" He said I have come to enliven Kami, to let everyone experience Kami -- 
and the way to americans is through kama. So he inagurated the Year of KamiKama 
Conscousness -- only the printers   mispelled it CamiCama Consciousness -- 
which soon became abreviated to CC. 

Chapter II ... next week.

--- In, "emptybill" <emptyb...@...> wrote:
> No wonder them Jap0's snuck up so easily into Pearl's Harbor.
> Before they struck us they shouted "Torah! ... Torah! Then look what
> happened.
> YHVH must have planned ahead to have a Kabbalistic Rabbi in the Japanese
> Ambassador's residence. Obviously the good reb told them "This is the
> way to get the Yanks to ignore you, just like the British now ignore us
> in Palestine. Should you want to surprise them someday (chuckle), it
> will be easy."
> That cheating little mountain demon did it just to get us to involved in
> a world war - all so he could keep his followers from abandoning him.
> Didn't work though because his followers weren't only chosen by their
> little tribal god, they were also chosen by adolphus.
> However, that particular story was not lost on the sheiks of Arabi.
> Osloba bin Ladden knew he would finally be able to disappear from the
> satanic Americans by choosing the "Torah" Bora mountains for a
> hide out. He knew that with the little mountain daimon hanging close by
> he could just leave whenever.
> Now that's some esoteric history you haven't heard before,
> goyboy.
> --- In, "John" <jr_esq@> wrote:
> >
> > Despite Madonna's interest in the subject, it takes years of Torah
> study to actually learn and understand the kabbalah.
> >
> >
> >

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