Shemp's favorite girl interviews Kucinich:

"I believe in this idea of making sure that the great mass of people get 
some help. This plan is immoral," the Ohio Democrat and former 
presidential candidate told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow. "This plan is a 
disgrace. It bails out people on Wall Street who have speculated and who 
would drive this economy into the ground unless we have some controls on 

"Frankly I salute the Republicans who understood that Wall Street ought 
to be able to fix its own problems," he told Maddow. "And a bailout 
would constitute a violation of every free market principle that any 
Republican ever believed in."

More here:

So let's let the "free market" do it's thing and take out the rich!  We 
got a lot of new millionaires on Monday .... problem was they were 
billionaires the day before.  :-D

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