LOVE is the only solution, the only true religion !

Amma replies that Her religion is Love when asked what her religion  is.
Also, it seems to me that Love is what Christ, Buddha, Krishna and  many
saints lived and taught; they did not directly create Christianity, 
Buddhism, Hinduism, etc, the followers did.

However, what we see in the world is selfishness leading to what…it 
seems the whole world is bent on a suicide mission with thousands of 
harmful chemicals, processed foods, wars, mindless technological 
ambitions, careless use of Mother Earth's resources, "health
care" for  profit, hypocrisy, everything for profit…

The following is my attempt at understanding Love from my own 
experiences, from Amma and others in view of what is happening in the 
world. Bear in mind that this is merely my POV at this time and I 
believe that each one of us( 7 billion ) has a unique POV sort of like 
no two snowflakes are alike; on the other hand, there is commonality in 
what is called the universal eternal spiritual principles which I want 
to focus on here:

it is said that     "there is nothing but  God and that God is Love"
and that LOVE is what we really are

LOVE is our essential nature, our real identity

if this is not our experience, at least some glimpses here and there,
there must be something blocking that

it is the mind that either can be used as a tool to search for TRUTH 
which is

or, the mind can be misused to veil and block LOVE
This happens when the intellect has decided that it is capable of 
knowing TRUTH without LOVE
which is not possible because LOVE is TRUTH

it seems to me: LOVE is the highest truth; not facts, not science

no matter how clever, no matter how scientific,
no matter how clear and true intellectual knowledge seems to be,
no matter what the "facts" seem to be,
without LOVE, FEAR will be present
FEAR veils LOVE and blocks LOVE from flowing

without a firm resting in the heart, it is simply the nature of 
mind-intellect-ego, as a continuous stream of thoughts in the head, to 
create more and more knowledge, perhaps with the best of intellectual 
intentions,  until complexity, confusion, and all sort of frustrating 
problems arise; then the intellect is engaged in trying to solve the 
problems which it helped to create in the first place; meanwhile many 
catch 22 situations arise and intellectual/scientific solutions are 
never enough; as is obvious from world events, all this seems to be 
heading in the direction of self-destruction …

you are indeed fortunate if your mind gets exhausted, takes a break, 
leaves the head, and rests in the peacefulness of your heart where there
are no thoughts; then perhaps it will dawn on you that "Love" is
the  only solution for all the problems that the mind has created

Amma says     "A one word solution to all  the problems the world is
facing today is Compassion [Love ]."

Even Einstein said that     the rational  mind is a terrible master, but
can be very useful as a servant [of Love].  The mind is very powerful,
it creates the world as I understand it, it  is Maya and needs to be
used with the greatest of create in service to  Love

here, we are talking about Unconditioned Love which we call God
and about Unconditioned Truth which we also call God

or we can call it "peaceful spacious loving awareness"

we are not talking about emotionalism,
although positive emotions do have their own proper functionality,

God's Love is Presence and Energy
or as Robert Adams said "the current that knows the way"
Amma says God will take care of us when ego is surrendered
also Jesus and all mahatmas say that there is a universal force of  Love
that will sustain us and function through us to the extent we allow  it
by getting our egos out of the way

in order for the heart to open so that real unconditioned love may be 
it may be necessary to  do some selfless-service, take care of a 
relative or friend, help a  homeless person, feel the suffering of the 
world, pray, meditate on the heart center, read some or many spiritual 
books, contemplate spiritual aphorisms, go for a walk and gaze at the 
sky, gaze at the stars, go within, rest in the peacefulness of the 
heart, and do some self-inquiry  such as ~ What is love? What is truth? 
What is God? What am I? What is permanent? What is temporary? Who am I? 
Who is Amma?

To jumpstart your spiritual quest or to enhance it significantly, 
getting a hug from Amma can be a very pleasant unimagined surprise. Amma
is currently touring America and will end in Canada  on July 22nd

Here is a short video by our friend Stuart explaining Love beautifully 
in English

"let everyone be right… because they are…what can you do?...
everyone's POV  is the right one……underneath it all, is only
Love…the  Love, it cures all…the Love goes on… it can't
end…all of us, we are all  Love underneath …Love is the real
thing…what can you do? " ~ stuart

Some ideas for self-inquiry:

Mooji ~ Question Your Own Existence

Stephen Brown ~ What is God? What is Love?

  [0]  God Bless All Hearts to Open,  anatol [0]

"I Choose Love"
May all beings everywhere realize themselves as peaceful spacious 
loving awareness !  

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