
My name is Daniel.  I've been subscribed to this group for quite a while and 
never really posted any requests in the past.

Here is:

I'm launching this french yoga site this coming week and need user experience 
feedbacks.  Could someone who speaks french be willing to go through 
registration and give me her/his impressions please?

Please contact me at: yogapart...@gmail.com and I'll provide you the url as I 
am not looking for web site traffic, I'm looking for user experience.

Also, if you wish to see an interview I did (starts in French then it is in 
English) over with Swami Jyotirmayananda about integral yoga in Miami, go to:  

Specifically, notice when the Swami enters the room and I go with a WOOF (we 
don't see me, I'm backward) if you have the same chill in the spine... even 
over YouTube!


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