Love is totally impersonal. That is why it is called the `Sword of
Cleavage'. It divides by the fact that people respond to this
impersonal energy in whatever way they are motivated. If they are
motivated by good, desire for the best for all humanity, they will take
that aspect and act on it. If their motive is `evil', for want
of a better word, if it is separative, non-inclusive, they will take
that same energy of love and be galvanized in the opposite direction. So
it stimulates everything, the good and the bad, the selfish and the
altruistic. That is why Maitreya has to be very careful with it, very
skillful, to make sure that the right reaction is uppermost.

We think of love as something completely personal; we love some people
and we dislike other people. But love is nothing to do with that. It is
an unbroken stream of God-given energy which magnetically ties together
the tiny little blocks of matter which make the universe, and, at the
same time, the individual blocks which make a group. (Benjamin Creme,
Maitreya's Mission Volume Two)\

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