Title: MAK research (in detail)
Here is another section of this book I am working on. It's a lengthy section on the research on Maharishi Amrit Kalash. One wonders whether the author of this book is an TM employee. It's very impressive research, at least as presented.



Free- Radical Scavenging Effects

The Niwa Institute in Japan has tested over 500 compounds for free- radical scavenging effects.  Much of his research has focused on the excess inflammation often caused by the immune system.

To begin examination of Maharishi Amrit Kalash, Niwa conducted a chemical analysis of herbs in MAK-4 and MAK-5.  These analyses revealed a mixture with in low-molecular-weight substances that are well-known antioxidants, including vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, polyphenols, bioflavonoids, and riboflavin.  

Niwa then conducted experiment to measure MAK’s antioxidant effect.  His investigation involved the immune system’s most rapidly reacting defense:  – the neutrophil.  Once inflammation begins, immune system cells such as neutrophils over-produce free radicals and other ROS, causing extensive damage to healthy cells in the vicinity.  Chemicals released by damaged cells encourage rapid transit by neutrophils and other immune cells to the inflammation site, quickly worsening the damage.

Niwa’s study showed that, in the presence of MAK, this neutrophil “‘chemotaxis”’ slowed down significantly.  In addition, the multiplication of lymphocytes in their most aggressive form (blastogenesis) was also tempered.  He also identified the specific reason why MAK-5 and MAK-5 had this tempering effect on the mechanism of inflammation.  Both of them markedly scavenged the neutrophil leakage of their serious free radicals known as superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, and the hydroxy radical.  According to Niwa, in fact, MAK scavenged free radicals more effectively than any substance he had tested previously.

Fields and colleagues at Loyola University Medical School in Chicago followed Niwa’s work.  They focused on superoxide becausesince it is the “‘master radical”’— – the first produced and precursor of both hydrogen peroxide and the hydroxy radical.  Fields’ group compared MAK with SOD, the enzyme designed specifically to scavenge superoxide.  Human immune system cells (neutrophils) were stimulated to create superoxide, as if to kill an invader.  MAK and SOD were used to scavenge the superoxide.

The results showed that both MAK and SOD, separately, were able to scavenge completely the superoxide molecules.  MAK proved as potent as SOD.  Because MAK has so many components, Fields and his colleagues conducted tests to make sure that, in defusing the superoxide, MAK had not damaged the neutrophils themselves.  Results showed the neutrophils still healthy and functioning normally.

The implications were significant.  First, the tests indicated that MAK can reduce the random damage caused by neutrophils as they fight invaders.  Second, if MAK scavenged superoxide as effectively as the body’s own enzyme (SOD), its anti-free-radical effectiveness clearly deserved serious attention.  

Further experiments reaffirmed MAK’s ability to scavenge superoxide.  Also, a separate study by Dr Chandradhar Dwivedi and co-workers at South Dakota State University showed that MAK-4 and MAK-5 were able to scavenge other dangerous molecules: – lipid peroxides (Dwivedi, Sharma, Dobrowski, & Engineer, 1991).

Sharma and other researchers at Ohio State University College of Medicine designed and executed another systematic test of MAK, directly comparing MAK-4 and -–5 with three individual antioxidants— – vitamins C, vitamin E, and the well-researched drug probucol (Sharma et al., 1990; Sharma, Guenther, Abu-Ghazaley, & Dwiviedi, 1994; Sharma, Hanna, Kauffman, & Newman, 1992, 1995).  

Sharma tested a third oxidant, low- density lipoprotein (LDL), which had been oxidatively damaged by free radical attack.  LDL is known as the “‘bad”’ cholesterol, not owing to its natural state, which is benign, but to its transformed state after free- radical attack.  Oxidized LDL (LDL-ox) is capable of causing extensive damage, which is central to the process that scars, thickens, and stiffens arterial walls, narrowing the artery passageway and attracting platelets that which can aggregate into clots and block the artery entirely.  The rResearch indicated that if LDL-ox could be scavenged effectively, cardiovascular disease could be markedly reduced. Lipophil-mediated reduction of toxidants can be effected by Ayurv Vedic detoxification procedures (Herron &and Fagan, 2002).

Vitamins C and E, probucol, and MAK all prevented the radicalization of LDL.  All stopped the ongoing free- radical chain reactions.  But the difference in potency was startling.  Weight for weight, the aqueous extracts of MAK were several hundred times more potent than vitamins C and E and probucol.

The same study also tested two other MAV herbal formulas.  MA-631 is described as similar in purpose to the MAK formulas; Maharishi Coffee Substitute is an herbal beverage.  Each scavenged LDL-ox radicals with a relative effectiveness that was close to that of MAK.

The above research indicates that there is now an effective means to protect LDL against free radical attack.  If this is true, it means there are natural food supplements that may help keep arteries clear and work adjunctively to prevent cancer, heart disease, stroke, and other disease.

These findings are consistent with a large body of research.  Nearly 40 studies have been done on MAK worldwide, research conducted by at least 50 investigators representing a broad range of universities and independent research institutions.  These studies have painted a consistent picture.

If MAK is an effective free radical scavenger, it should enhance health in a significant way.  Laboratory and animals studies and human trials have given evidence that MAK’s antioxidant effects translate into specific benefits for cancer and other diseases.  The details give a picture of the possibilities available from synergistic free radical management

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