Maharishi and the Beatles: What Really Happened?
The Beatles discovered Maharishi in 1968 and spent a few weeks studying
meditation with him in Rishikesh. Much has been made in the news media
and blogosphere of the Beatle's association with Maharishi and the
rise of popularity that followed for Maharishi and his form of
meditation. Yet many people wonder if Maharishi had a greater effect on
the Beatles than they had on him and his worldwide Transcendental
Meditation Movement.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi died on February 5, 2008, almost 40 years after
the Beatles left Rishikesh. John Lennon would never see him in person
again, but would phone him years later to apologize for his youthful
mishap of publicly accusing Maharishi of improprieties-accusations that
had nothing to do with Maharishi, but, seemingly, everything to do with
John's personal temperament. George Harrison would continue to have
contact with Maharishi through the worldwide TM Movement, and Paul
McCartney and Ringo Starr would maintain their connection with
meditation and eventually re-establish association Maharishi's

On Maharishi's passing, the New York Times published a
"reassessment" of the Beatles interaction with Maharishi.
It's good to see, after all these years, the press finally getting
it right.

The "India experience"-the Beatles' time with Maharishi and
their practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique-opened a
floodgate of creativity for the band-"and got them out of what
threatened to be a creative rut," said the Times article.

Describing their time with Maharishi as the most productive period in
the Beatles' timberland mens boots
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article says:

"That may seem an odd assertion, given that the group had only
recently released `Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.'
But part of the point of that album was to overcome the inertia imposed
by the stress of being the Beatles by posing as someone else: the Sgt.
Pepper band. And although it includes some of the Beatles' most
extraordinary music (`A Day in the Life,' for starters), it had
been a struggle to fill it. Lennon, after all, had based one song on the
text of a circus poster (`Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite')
and another on a Corn Flakes commercial (`Good Morning, Good
Morning'), simply, he later said, as a way of fulfilling his quota.
After Rishikesh the group found itself with more new songs than it knew
what to do with."

Beatles connoisseurs, audiophiles and music writers typically hold the
White Album as the Beatles' greatest masterpiece, but not that many
have made the connection with the Beatles' India experience and the
influence that "turning within" had on renewing their creativity
and lyrical power. The process of meditation, as taught by Maharishi, is
an effortless way of accessing "the infinite field of energy,
creativity and intelligence that resides within everyone," as
Maharishi has explained. Now, 40 years after the Beatles demonstrated
the rejuvenating, creativity-enlivening effect of
`transcending,' hundreds of scientific research studies have
further verified the many ways in which the practice can stimulate
creativity and intelligence and benefit all aspects of life.

But most media attention concerning the Beatles experience in India has
dwelt on the sensational episode surrounding John Lennon's abrupt
departure from from Maharishi's ashram. What really happened?

Lennon wrote-in the original lyrics of the White Album song "Sexy
Sadie"-"Maharishi, what have you done? You made a fool of
everyone." There is no question that John's experience turned
sour. But the claims of Maharishi's misbehavior, overblown in the
press, turned out to be baseless.

In the years since Lennon's death, in 1980, Harrison and McCartney
publicly commented on the accusations against Maharishi. McCartney has
noted that the rumors of sexual impropriety were raised by Alexis
Mardas, "a supposed inventor and charlatan who had become a Beatles
insider." "Magic Alex," as he was known, apparently had
agendas of his own, and, according to many sources, flat out fabricated
the story. During the 1990s both Harrison and McCartney, convinced of
Maharishi's innocence, finally reconciled with him and offered
apologies. Cynthia Lennon believed that Mardas invented the story to
undermine Maharishi's influence on the Beatles. Harrison, years
later, commented, "Now, historically, there's the story that
something went on that shouldn't have-but nothing didÂ… There
were some flaky people around back then and we were four of them."
McCartney, in his biography, likewise says that he did not believe the
allegations and attributes them to Mardas. Even Ringo, who was said to
be the Beatle least "into" meditation, commented favorably on
his experience with Maharishi; in his book "Postcards from the
Boys" Ringo says that he still meditates with the mantra Maharishi
gave him and that his time in Rishikesh was one of the best experiences
of his life.

Were the Beatles responsible for Maharishi's great success as a
meditation teacher, or were Maharishi's achievements the results of
his own abilities as a teacher and due to the positive effects of TM
practice in people's lives? After 50 years of the Transcendental
Meditation program being taught to millions of people around the world,
with more than 600 scientific studies verifying its benefits-studies
conducted at Harvard Medical School, UCLA, Stanford, Yale and over 230
other institutions-it is unlikely that the success of the Transcendental
Meditation program has been due merely to a rock band. The National
Institutes of Health has funded over $24 million for scientists to
further research the effects of the Transcendental Meditation technique
on brain function and cardiovascular health, and this research funding
has nothing to do with rock and roll. Or does it?

It's certainly true that the Beatles involvement brought much
attention to Maharishi and to meditation in general. Although meditation
has been around for thousands of years, and is still rising in
recognition as a means to reduce stress, improve health and promote
self-development, many people did learn the Transcendental Meditation
technique when they first heard about the practice through publicity
surrounding the Beatles. But one problem with claiming that "Beatles
publicity" led to Maharishi's success, as some people have
claimed, is that this publicity was mostly negative-having more to do
with Lennon's short-lived criticism of Maharishi than with the
benefits of meditation.

It is obvious after all these years that Maharishi and his
Transcendental Meditation practice were not "made" by the
Beatles. But the Beatles are still bringing people to meditation: Paul
McCartney is playing a benefit concert, called "Change Begins
Within," to promote the Transcendental Meditation program for
students-at Radio City Music Hall, April, 2009)-along with Sheryl Crow,
Donovan, Ben Harper, timberland mens boots
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Horn, Mike Love of the Beach Boys, Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam and many

If Maharishi Mahesh Yogi can be said to have made a fool of everyone, as
the ill-conceived song goes, it could timberland mens boots
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because, compared to his immense, practical wisdom of higher stages of
human development, the rest of us human beings, including Beatles, can
indeed look like timberland mens boots
<>  a bunch of
fools. Paul, George and Ringo-with their varying degrees of appreciation
for Maharishi-insisted that John change the chorus and title of the
song. George suggested "Sexy Sadie." Perhaps in his heart John
knew the truth and that's why he acquiesced. Of course there were
many other, more positive Beatle songs inspired by Maharishi-such as
"Across the Universe," which John considered the best lyrics of
his career.

Maharishi expounded, for over 50, years on timberland mens boots
<>  the nature of
life from the perspective of a great Vedic sage. Referred to as "the
Einstein of consciousness," he established the life-transforming
benefits of meditation on the empirical grounds of science and opened
the doors of higher states of consciousness to the scientific age. And
he opened the Beatles' minds and heart to a much greater reality
than Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. It changed their lives

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