Man's destiny
by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme, 5 September 2008 

When men awaken to their true potential they will be amazed by the 
range of creativity which will become theirs. The audacity of their 
thought will at first astound them, and will lead them into 
enterprises all but unimaginable today. Men will find that they are, 
in truth, potential Gods. From the deep slumber of the past men will 
awaken and slough off the heavy coat of ignorance which for long has 
delayed their forward progress. Thus will it be.
Man is now at the turning point in his long adventure in life on 
planet Earth. From now on, all progress will be the result of his 
considered will and reason. No longer will greed and competition 
impede his journey to perfection; no longer will war, and want for 
millions, degrade and stain his path; never again will lawlessness 
and separation rule on planet Earth.


Man's foot now stands on a ladder of ascent which will take him to 
the very stars.
As We, your elder Brothers, take Our places beside you, you will see 
in Us exemplars, and be inspired to become like Us. You will see that 
We know no competition, that We value all life in whatever form. You 
will see that We love without distinction or condition; and work only 
and always for the fulfilment of the Plan. Men are destined by the 
Plan to reach that same perfection; Ours is the task to show them the 
The path to such perfection is well trodden by Us and We have set in 
place the needed landmarks: men must see humanity as One, brothers 
and sisters, sons of the One Father.
Freedom and Justice are essential to all, everywhere, without 
exception, and can only be achieved by trust. 
Sharing alone can create that trust, and set men on the path to their 
Men, to be happy, must live within the Laws of Life: of Cause and 
Effect, Rebirth, Harmlessness and Sacrifice. These basic Laws are the 
Ancient Landmarks which protect men from self-destruction and remorse.
When Maitreya steps forward into open vision you will hear these Laws 
again, for they form the basis of all His teaching and the basis of 
all life on planet Earth.


The awakening of men depends on humanity grasping the import of these 
Laws and their willingness and readiness to change. This present so-
called civilization has `run its bolt', is decayed and dying, with 
little further to offer men than hardship and fear, and, finally, 
Maitreya comes to show men that they have within themselves all that 
it takes to become the Gods they essentially are. To show them how 
simple and beautiful is that way, and to inspire them to grasp and 
accept their destiny. Maitreya doubts not their response.

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