Mike Love's Statement on the Passing of Maharishi:

While in Paris participating in a UNICEF benefit show, the Beach Boys were introduced to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. That was in December of 1967. Dennis Wilson, Carl Wilson, Alan Jardine and myself along with several family members learned the TM technique from Maharishi himself. Two months later, I made the journey to Rishi Kesh, India, where Donovan and the Beatles also attended a teacher’s training course. Alan and I both became teachers of TM a couple years later.

To say that what I have learned from Maharishi has been of great benefit to me is an understatement to be sure. Maharishi has designed a pathway of development of human potential, which includes transcendental mediation, the TM-Sidhi program, Maharishi Ayurveda, Jyotish, and Yagyas,--all derived directly from the Earth’s most ancient text, The Vedas.

No less a goal than that of world peace was Maharishi's life's work. For those of us who were fortunate enough to have been in his presence, his passing is profoundly sad. But I for one, am among the millions who are grateful for what he shared with us on this - The dawn of the Age of Enlightenment - on the way to the goal which Maharishi called "Heaven on Earth" We will miss you, but your great light will shine on.

Jai Guru Dev
Michael E. Love

also fwiw, this old tape of Mike Love on TM:

Al Jardine's Statement on the Passing of Maharishi:

"I am saddened by this great man's passing. He helped to enlighten me and my family to the value of transcendental meditation. He hoped to enlighten the world, but said that it must start with each individual, the family, the community, and then entire nations.

"He would chastise me in a kind way if I stayed away too long, 'Where have you been?' And of course I could not think of a single good answer, because being in his presence made one feel like a complete idiot for staying away too long.

"He left me with a tool to deal with life and its complexities. For that I will always be grateful, and whenever I'm dipping into that 'pool of peace inside,' I will always think of him."

Jai Guru Dev,
Al Jardine

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