Come find the Beauty life has to Offer
Be a Great Existence -

Dear Swami G,
Thanks for your mail.

Namaste and OM Namo Narayan- 

>0- first off have you joined the yahoo group ?

Yes, I joined last night.

0- very good. Please post your introduction and photo as this is an 
online ashram community. 

o- If you are interested in Diksha then there are steps to be taken and this 
>path requires some follow through. This isn't a case of taking diksha and 
>then running off to the next thing.

* Good to hear. This path may hold some promise after all. I have met many 
Shaktipat 'Gurus' during my few years travelling through India, but felt 
that most were either posing and had no experience of kundalini, or were 
able to awaken it in the masses, and then leave them bewildered and lost, 
which in many cases was quite sad to see.

0- yes this is a concern here as well. Kundalini is a path that is not for 
mass consumption. When in india and see practices being given to masses 
there will be many casualties along the way. (this is not needed). As well 
as so many modalities here being sold which when used together may cause 
a sponataneous awakening. If not understood then one may go into a paranoia 
state and it is almost impossible to then ground one to bring them back to 
reality and moving forward. 

* I am dubious about meeting people through the net, especially spiritual 
teachers. The only thing that made me look twice at your site (I stumbled 
across you on YouTube), was that you have gone to some effort to set up a 
support network for those whose kundalini had awakened. This concern 
suggested to me that your own experiences were probably real. 

0- frauds are found everywhere - how many Guru's have never been 
on the net and yet they were unreliable - their attainments didn't give 
them wisdom to be Guru's in many cases. And some came simply to ride 
the gravy train in america. It is amazing that people have such an idea 
that simply because one uses the net that they must obviously be a 
pretender etc. The net is used because it gives the easiest way to communicate 
rapidly over long distances with Sadhaka's and Seekers that cannot be here 

* A few friends from India in this position reported many difficult times and 
experiences, especially in the earlier stages, and none of them had guidance 
as such.

0- yes this is understood. Not only this but they may only go so far and then 
usually they can go no more on their own. 

o- So IF you are serious
>about the Kundalini path - Awakening and going forward to Realization then
>things should be looked at in more depth.

* I've been practising sadhana for over 12 years, from asana to pranayama to 
(mostly) mantra. At times, I've spent months in silent seclusion, doing 
mantra and yagya sadhanas. Though as I said, apart from some a few mild 
experiences, I can't seem to 'stoke the fire' enough to kick-start the 

0- yes have seen you have been to many Guru's / teachers / etc. And 
have gathered and collect much. In this path one must be willing to not 
mix practices - and to let go of what you think you know. Some things 
may work together ok - but many times they do not and so one remains 
stuck thinking that more is better. More means many times that small 
holes are being dug here and there in endless succession and one does not 
reach water because one can gain no depth being scattered here and there. 

* If you have any suggestions, advice, practices or background reading to 
prepare, I'd be interested to know. I am quite tired of fly-by-night 
'gurus', 'yogis' and people offering workshops and courses. As a yoga 
instructor, I've met them by the truckload, and it's usually the blind 
leading the blind. I realise that the real process is far more painful and 
confronting than it's made out to be by the popular teachers.

0- it can be much more confronting yes. - When spontaneous Kriyas 
and Mudras begin are you willing to lay aside your hatha yoga practice
for that time ? Are you willing to lay aside the pranayam practices you 
are now doing ? Am simply not willing to be responsible and take on a 
Sadhaka that is going to attempt to incorporate other teachings and 
modalities as a blend - as it only brings up more confusion and difficulties 
along the way. 

o- > There is as yet no set up itinerary for india - will be in the North 
>for part of the time and then may be making also a trip to the south.

* No problem. I will be in India sometime in December. If you would be in the 
South at that time, and if we are to meet, then I could head for there.

0- you could stay in touch as things will only become more clear once 
we arrive in india. 

If you are willing to lay aside other practices you may begin with the 
Shanti Mind Pranayam at :

The Dissolving Divisions practice at :

Shakti Eyes Darshan :
This may be found in the files section of the group site. 

please get back with me on the site with your report as to how these are 
working. Once established then we may move forward into more depth. 
It must be secured and seen though that you are going to follow through 
and are not just looking to collect another modality. 

>Shanti OM

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "jillcoyne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> namaste gurus, swamis, sadhakas, etc (still trying to get it all
> straight..),

Namaste -

0- hahahahaha it will come in time. 

> this is jill. i've only just introduced myself, with honest hesitation
> to dive right in. but i'm discriminating, and so thank you all for
> allowing me to sit with your words awhile, to acclimate to the
> environs and get an impression of how things operate around here.

0- you are most welcome 

> since my introduction i have been reflecting (and more) on what
> exactly all of this is, what can be "understood" and how i can trust
> without needing to "understand". 

0- one never truly understands until it is discovered through direct 
experience. One can begin with a foundational concept but it takes 
direct encounter before it is known. 

* initally reading through the posts it
> sounded to me like a lot of hippie-dippie mumbo-jumbo. but i wanted to
> remain open and not misjudge and therefore decided that i'd read
> through for a bit without trying to understand. i'd just to let it all
> wash over me, just drink it in as it were with no need to make sense
> of it. i recognize the fact that i don't have all of the answers and
> have previously been apprehensive to adopt understandings that seemed
> foreign to me that now just go without saying. so i held fast,
> quivering and wincing now and again along the way.

0- and perhaps there may be yet more wincing. hahahahahah this 
is common. It is good you are sticking with it though and letting the 
words wash over you. 

> i've come to find it's like a lot of other things. one begins to just
> get it with time. things begin to actually make sense after a bit of
> time spent with new ideas, puzzle pieces begin clicking into place. i
> began to listen with the curiosity of a child, recalling times when i
> wanted my parents to explain to me what they were talking about and
> they'd say, "one day you'll understand". they were right. i just
> needed more time and experience. so i've been trying to stretch my
> boundaries and remain open to your words. i've been listening and have
> been doing the balanced breath with "i am that i am" and "om that i am". 

0- very good - this is an excellent starting point 

> reading through the previous posts and following sarojini's journey
> helped significantly for me to see a broader spectrum of a picture and
> to feel more in my element. it's such an asset to have her progression
> documented.

0- will try to go back to the other group and post a few of her early 
posts and then it will be even more clear as to where her journey has 
come to. 

* the use of "this one" etc, initially made me feel
> uncomfortable because, of course, i don't know the dismantling of
> "me". it seemed so contrived at first (and maybe second, third,
> fourth..). but to read for myself the crisis where she wasn't actually
> able to honestly refer to her"self" anymore because that actually
> seemed false helped me recognize it was from within, not just a
> conceptual affectation.

0- yes it is not at all a conceptualized affect. It comes because to say 
*I* is really a misnomer and presents also a false picture. It is no longer 
there as a story or identification and so to use it feels strange and yet 
this is attempted to be brought back into conversation so as to avoid 
people thinking that one is *strange* hahahahahahahaah - rather than 
being *strange* there is a falling away into utter simplicity and ordinary. 
What can be higher or lower in 0 ? hahahahahahahah There is really 
nothing in the english language that can convey this IS without some type 
of identifying word being used in speaking. All language has a spin to it - 
there is no neutral wording which would contain the fullness of what is 
expressing without holding content. 

> anyway, i've been listening intently and just wanted to say that i've
> certainly been challenged more in the last week (at least in regards
> to my understanding of myself and everything around me) than possibly
> ever before. or perhaps i'm more receptive to the challenge (though in
> general i actually enjoy when something effectively proves me wrong).

0- this is a good step as well. very nice. 

> since doing the practices my kriyas have transformed a bit. not sure
> if it's because of the practices, as they have been evolving all the
> while, but they seem less furiously paced and sessions don't seem to
> go on for 4 hours at a stretch. thankfully, because i've been pretty
> exhausted from it all! mudras are there but not as heavily and
> generally no chakra focus or clearing lately (which were the bulk of
> it for some time), aside from crown and root. i have recently felt a
> pulsing in my sacrum and have begun to get flashes of light. subtle,
> but when i'm sleeping i notice it get brighter and a euphoric feeling
> comes across. 

0- good - this as you state could be due to a number of factors and 
who is to say which it is at this point. More clarity may come with this 
in time. 

> also, when doing the chants i feel a direct link to the right side of
> my chest. and i can't really feel it in the left at all. it mainly
> vibrates in the right side of my throat too, all the way down. i think
> i may have read that's the felt heart space, or something to that
> effect. also, i've been wondering if there's a recommended frequency
> or duration of the practices given?

0- it is - but definitely get the shanti mind pranayam in balance. 
This is very important. 

> thanks you ever so kindly. the information and experiences shared have
> provided me significant comfort and inspiration. 
> with utmost respect,
> jill

thank you for sharing your report. 

Maha Shanti OM 

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