Obama's Progressed Jupiter

First, Obama's Uranus at 25º Leo opposes the U.S. Moon, which is his
direct and radical connection to the American people. The orb is
extremely tight. The U.S. Moon at 25º28' Aquarius and Obama's Uranus
at 25º15' makes an orb of less than 1/4º, which is tighter than
anything in McCain's chart. It's what allowed Obama to surpass other
well-known and popular national candidates, notably John Edwards, who
has zero natal or progressed connections to the U.S. Moon.

But above and beyond this vital link, Obama's chart is charmed in rare
and magnificent ways. His natal Uranus is conjunct his North Node at
27º Leo in the tenth house of his professional standing, and the two
(Uranus and NN) are being activated by his progressed Jupiter at 27º
Capricorn. Activated Jupiter-Uranus combinations are frequently found
in celebrity charts, especially when they're headlining in the news
cycle. They foster the exciting enthusiasm, the charismatic aura, and
the multimedia buzz that money can't buy.

But Obama's progressed Jupiter at 27º Capricorn also happens to be
conjunct the U.S. Pluto, the nation's ruling planet. Jupiter to Pluto
attracts the attention and support of America's wealthiest and most
influential people. His P2 Jupiter is standing direct, so will be in
this degree area (where it forms a precise quincunx to his North Node)
for many years, promising a bright future in American politics. And to
add yet another phenomenal astro-event, one that put this enduring P2
Jupiter complex into play in early 2008, was his progressed Sun
forming a trine to his P2 Jupiter during the early primaries. It was
already a strong influence in January and became exact on March 7, by
which time many observers claimed that he had an insurmountable lead
over Hillary Clinton.

To summarize, here's a shorthand version of Obama's key planetary gems:

Natal Uranus opposite U.S. Moon (orb 0º13')
Natal Uranus conjunct North Node in 10th (orb 2º03')
P2 Jupiter quincunx North Node (orb 0º01')
P2 Jupiter conjunct U.S. Pluto (orb (0º14')
P2 Sun trine P2 Jupiter, exact March 7, 2008

There's one more astro-event in play that might very well carry him to
the inauguration in January 2009. His progressed Venus was nearly
conjunct natal Uranus when he announced back in February 2007. As this
aspect grew stronger over the next few months, Obama's popularity
escalated as he began drawing crowds larger than all the other
candidates' crowds combined. Venus rules a candidate's general popular
appeal, and when it's conjunct Uranus, crowds can get pretty wild and
crazy, almost irrational in their manic support.

Obama's P2 Venus, moving at the rate of 1º12' per year, is now
approaching the conjunction with his North Node, which of course picks
up the rich support from his P2 Jupiter. These two aspects, P2 Venus
conjunct North Node, and P2 Venus quincunx P2 Jupiter, become exact on
January 23 and January 28, 2009, respectively. This is the same week
as the next presidential inauguration, and one would be hard put to
find a more favorable astrological set-up. So add these two gems to
the above rare and phenomenal conditions:

P2 Venus conjunct NN (exact Jan 23, 2009)
P2 Venus quincunx P2 Jupiter (exact Jan 29, 2009)

Barack Obama's chart does show some severe challenges between now and
election day, so here's what's standing in his way. From the natal
chart, his Sun's only major aspect is the square to Neptune at 8º
Scorpio. At its best, the Leo Sun becomes inspired by Neptune's
vibrations, and the leadership role becomes one of inspiring others,
leading them to a hopeful future. The downside of this is that it
lacks practical experience, the kind of nuts-and-bolts approach that
Hillary Clinton and John McCain portray.

Obama's Neptune is exactly conjunct the U.S. Scorpio Ascendant, making
him a screen for Americans' highest hopes and dreams. It can work the
other way around, meaning that people can become disillusioned by what
he represents, or that he may be revealed as something other than how
he portrays himself. He was born during John F. Kennedy's Camelot
days, and as we all know now, that youthful, visionary, peace-loving
image that the Kennedy family presented became tarnished when his
sexual adventures were exposed years later. 

Considering the challenging outer planet transits, probably the most
significant is Uranus opposing Obama's Mars three times. The specific
dates are June 2 and July 21, 2008, and March 9, 2009, but
collectively they represent a lengthy phase when he comes under attack
from his political enemies. Since Mars is the co-ruler of his Scorpio
Ascendant, a Uranus hit can be particularly damaging to his standing.
Transiting Uranus to Mars is a volatile, explosive energy, and
anything can happen...


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