Barack Obama is now faced with many challenges.  One of those challenges is in 
choosing people who will maintain respect for him in hard times and good times.
 The dynamics of white and black are such that a white guy will always have a 
thought that he has entitlement.   Example:  I once lived in Land O Lakes 
Florida I was buying a restaurant in Dade City Florida.  While working to get 
the restaurant open I met many people of various backgrounds the conversations 
were always interesting but the general rule was that if there was a white guy 
working with me the people always assumed he was the owner.   
  As commander and chief this could be a problem.   The difference between Joe 
Biden and Hillary Clinton is that Hillary has walked the road with Obama.  She 
has been a big sister she has whipped his ass and made him tough, she has maybe 
even made him cry at times but you know she made him the nominee, she brought 
him to his greatness.   
  She has been his PUSH she has allowed him to unfold himself to the world. 
 I applaud Hillary Clinton God and Nature for the beauty of how she works......
 I endorse Hillary Clinton for Democratic Nominee for Vice President of the 
United States of America......


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