<http://tinyurl.com/4gwk98> Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Obama File 33 More Weathermen For Obama                    Obama File 32

My last three posts have looked at Movement for a Democratic Society 
l.html> (MDS) and the organisation's relationship to Barack Obama and
his campaign. http://tinyurl.com/4e22y2 <http://tinyurl.com/4e22y2>

Despite its innocuous sounding name, MDS (founded August 2006) is a
coalition of former members of the Students for a Democratic Society
(SDS) its terrorist splinter the Weather Underground and three Marxist
organisations, Communist Party USA 
tml> (CPUSA), Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Soc
s.html> ialism (CCDS) and Democratic Socialists of America 
-dsa.html> (DSA)

Every one of these strands has supported Barack Obama since at least the
mid '90s-some even further back.

Today many MDS activists are working in the Obama campaign, particularly
through the MDS offshoot, Progressives for Obama
sts.html> .

Much as been written about the links between Barack Obama and his
tml> " former Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine

I've shown that Dohrn has been an MDS board member, while her husband
Ayers is at least an active supporter.

That's two known former terrorists involved in MDS, but there are at
least three more in the MDS/Progressives for Obama orbit-Jeff Jones,
Howie Machtinger and Mark Rudd.

Ayers, Dorhn, Jones, Machtinger and Rudd are old revolutionary comrades.
In the late '60s the five were key leaders of the faction of (SDS) that
split to form the Weather Underground. All attended the famous 1969
Flint War Council that effectiveful gave birth to the Weathermen faction
of SDS.

All were virulently anti-American in their radical heyday.
Bernardine Dohrn has been accused of planting a bomb that killed San
Francisco policeman Brian V. McDonnell. When police raided a Weathermen
bomb factory in Pine Street San Francisco in 1970, they found the
fingerprints of Ayers, Machtinger and Rudd.

All are still radicals today and all are proven Obama supporters.

This post profiles the three neglected Weathermen in the
MDS/Progressives for Obama network-Jones, Machtinger and Rudd.

Who is Jeff Jones?

According to Jeff Jones's own website

Jeff Jones went to his first rally against the Vietnam War in 1965.
Within a year, he had quit Antioch College to become a fulltime
organizer for Students for a Democratic Society.

In 1966 he traveled to Cambodia to meet with high-level leaders of the
NLF. In 1967 and 1968 he served as SDS Regional Organizer for New York
City. In 1969, he was elected, along with Bill Ayers and Mark Rudd, to
SDS national office. Then, in the spring of 1970, he disappeared. As a
leader of the Weather Underground, Jeff evaded an intense FBI manhunt
for more than a decade. In 1981, they finally got him. Twenty special
agents battered down the door of the Bronx apartment where he was living
with his wife and four-year-old son.

Jeff Jones serves on the board of MDS.

Jeff Jones right, at the MDS Conference New York City February 2007

Jeff Jones is also a signed up supporter 
ml> of Progressives for Obama.

Who is Howie Machtinger?

Today Howard Machtinger is director of Teaching Fellows at the
University of North Carolina.

According to Frontpage Magazine

Machtinger was on the barricades at Columbia University in 1968 and was
one of the founders of the Weather Underground. He co-authored a tome
that stated, "At the right moment, revolutionaries within the United
States were to wage a `people's war' and attack from within.
The government would fall and `world Communism' would eventually
be instituted." He also spoke about "how the black liberation
movement is so far advanced at this point that the only thing left for
white revolutionaries is to support blacks by fighting cops as a
diversionary tactic."

Machtinger is not a confirmed member of MDS, but does contribute to Next
Left Notes <http://antiauthoritarian.net/NLN/?p=275> , which is edited
by MDS board member and Progressives for Obama endorser Tom Good.

Ayers, Dohrn and Rudd are also Next Left Notes contributors.

Machtinger has signed on as a supporter of progressives for Obama, on
the same page incidentally as yet another former Weatherman, Steve
Tappis. Further along Jennifer Dohrn
ml> -sister of Bernardine Dohrn has also signed up.

Machtinger is also the author of a widely distributed essay entitled
Obama and the Left

If we, as a Left, are content to smugly and dismissively critique the
Obama phenomenon, we trade self-fulfilling sectarianism for the chance
at political impact. A victory for Obama will not only be a boon for the
African-American community and for people of color, it will offer a
unique opportunity for the development of an organized and aggressive
Left movement that retains its independence at the same time that it is
willing to risk everyday involvement in the strange world of American

If we just critique, we will miss a moment that may not come again for a
while. If our politics are meaningful, effective, and get to the root of
problems, we should put them to the test in political work that connects
to large numbers of people struggling to find direction in an
increasingly dangerous world. Something wonderful is happening. We must
be alive to it. I hope we can figure out how to relate to it effectively
before we consign ourselves to continued marginalization

Who is Mark Rudd?

Today Mark Rudd is a New Mexico school teacher.

>From Mark Rudd's website

As he traveled the country, from the fall of 1968 to the summer of 1969,
Mark met many other activists in SDS who were thinking along the same
lines as he, that SDS could move from anti-war resistance to full-scale
socialist revolution...

White students would reject their "white skin privilege" and
actually begin armed struggle against the U.S. government; this, in
turn, would attract broad youth support as the struggle increased,
following the Cuban model. This theory became fully articulated in a
paper presented to the SDS National Convention in Chicago in June, 1969,
authored by a collective of eleven, of which Mark was a member. Its
title was "You Don't Need a Weatherman to Know Which Way the
Wind Blows," from which Mark's faction of SDS became known as
"The Weathermen."

That convention proved to be SDS' last. Following a titanic
ideological battle concerning "the correct revolutionary
direction," a split occurred between the Weathermen and allies
grouped around the National Office and a competing faction of Maoist
Progressive Labor Party members and their allies. When it was all over,
Mark found himself elected National Secretary of SDS, along with
comrades Billy Ayers as Educational Secretary, and Jeff Jones as
Inter-organizational Secretary, and the Weathermen in control of the
National Office backed by a small number of chapters around the


More from his Mark Rudd's website

A few national SDS leaders had met with Vietnamese and Cubans to find
out about their resistance to U.S. imperialism. Out of these meetings
came an invitation for SDS to send a group of students to Cuba in
January, 1968. Because of his active work with the chapter, Mark was
invited by the National Office to join the trip, which was openly
defying the U.S. government's ban on travel to Cuba. He accepted,
working out a month-long absence with his professors...

Mark met young Cubans in positions of responsibility such as running
schools and farms and medical institutions who were fired up with
revolutionary enthusiasm: they were remaking society along
non-capitalist lines, creating socialism! Meeting with Vietnamese
delegates in Cuba, he learned about the nature of the resistance to
American aggression, that these people believed they would inevitably
drive the Americans from their country, no matter how long it took. As
if to prove their point, the Tet Offensive was raging at the time in
Vietnam, giving the lie to the American military's claims that they
were winning the war. His group was told by a Vietnamese diplomat in
Havana, "The American people will eventually tire of the war and the
troops will have to be withdrawn."

According to the FBI Mark Rudd's trip to Cuba also involved terrorist
training in camps set up by Soviet KGB Colonel Vadim Kotchergine.

Today Mark Rudd serves on the board of MDS.

Mark Rudd addressing the MDS Conference New York City February 2007

Rudd is also an endorser  <http://progressivesforobama.blogspot.com/> of
Progressives For Obama.

Clearly Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn are not the only former
Weathermen backing the Senator from Illinois.

Add their old comrades Jeff Jones, Howie Machtinger, Mark Rudd and even
Steve Tappis to the mix and you are starting to get beyond coincidence.

That former terrorists are working with Marxist groups to elect Barack
Obama is beyond doubt.

Should US voters know this?

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