The Confluence Posted on October 4, 2008 by garychapelhill "Obama
Supporters...Still Creepy!"
I came across this op/ed from the Christian Science Monitor.
LsSyoKilKs0NUE>   Is this a presidential election or a second coming?


Like so many Americans, I feel as though I am holding my breath.

Could the quiet seed of joy that was planted in my heart the day I heard
Barack Obama speak for the first time take root and grow without fear of
the brutal storms of disappointment?

Could a leader that evokes awe in me actually win a presidential
election? Could the beauty – and logic – of his words win over
the majority of this country's voters? Could they see past the lies
and distractions to the center of a human being who sincerely wants to
invoke citizens' higher selves?

Could a system that seems so broken, so moneyed, so corrupt actually
serve to help the American people elect an authentic, complex thinker?
Could it be that – despite all that is wrong with the electoral
process – there is enough right to allow a thoughtful candidate to
get through the muck and emerge earnest and excited to lead?

Short answer:  What are you smoking?

Seriously,  this is just too much.  Not even the deranged 33%ers who
stuck by Bush through his most criminal and corrupt years as President
ever sounded this nutty.

But not only that, this person wants you to know that if all of her
deluded dreams of grandeur are not fulfilled, it will all be YOUR fault

It is not his inevitable fall from grace that I fear. It is the
possibility that on Nov. 4, I will find out that my acute craving for a
kind and complex leader is not shared by the majority of Americans. That
conclusion to this breathtaking story would tempt me, not just to be
alienated from American politics, but from the American people. I fear
that the worst part of me would bully the best part with cruel words:
"I told you so. Hope is dangerous and naive."

No, it couldn't possibly be that you got bamboozled by a used car
a-used-car-from-this-man.html>   That would be too difficult for your
fragile psyche to reconcile. Above all this is a childish approach to
convincing people to vote your way.  If you have a teenager you'll
recongize it right away.  It's the old "I will forever lose my
faith in mankind if I don't get my way" rouse.  My
advice…same one your "logical and beautiful" candidate gave
me:  Get over it.

**UPDATE**  Zee suggests that maybe the author of this op-ed may have
seen Jesus Christ Superstar one too many times
Video "I Don't Know How to Love Him"

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