Barry Wright, 9/1/09:

"I think that if Americans want to Do Something to
fight against what's really bothering them and making
them crazy, they have to 'man up' and ADMIT what it is
that is really bothering them. They're AFRAID. Trying
to act all 'in control' by rolling out an untested
vaccine is in the same ballpark IMO as trying to act
all "macho" by posturing with penis substitutes. It's
'whistling in the dark,' pretending that they aren't
afraid. But they are."

Uh-oh. Looks like even our Dear Leader needs to
"man up." He's fallen victim to the delusion of
being "in control," and is acting all macho, 
actually urging us to "be prepared," just like
the gun nuts!

Obama says Americans should get swine flu vaccine

By JULIE PACE, Associated Press Writer
Tue Sep 1, 7:21 pm ET
WASHINGTON – With a potentially deadly swine flu
outbreak looming, President Barack Obama is urging
Americans to take steps to prevent infection.

...Obama said the government is preparing across all
levels, but all Americans have a role to play in the

"I don't want anybody to be alarmed, but I do want
everyone to be prepared," he said.

The global swine flu epidemic first emerged in April,
sickening more than 1 million Americans and killing
about 500. More than 2,000 people have died worldwide.
Health officials are preparing for a surge in cases
this fall, and one White House report from a panel of
experts suggests up to half the U.S. population could
catch swine flu during a pandemic

Vaccine development is ongoing and is likely to be
available by October. The president said the vaccine
for swine flu — known as the H1N1 virus — would be
voluntary, but "strongly recommended."...

Omigod! He's recommending an UNTESTED VACCINE!!!

Barry needs to call to his attention how *dangerous*
this is.

Fight fear with fear, that's what I always say. What
do you always say?


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