I liked this article on Wired today not because of the article itself 
but the picture of SNL's Bill Hader with a stack of drinks from 
Starbucks to take back to the office.  I'm sure it was inspired by going 
to a Starbucks, finding one or two people in front of you in line and 
thinking "whew, this will go fast."  And then one of them pulls out a 
long list of drinks because they are "ordering for the WHOLE company."  
Well there goes your quick coffee break.

This happened once again last week when I had two people in front of me 
and the woman at the register pulls out a long list.  Oh great. Funnier 
yet and kinda payback was when she asked for a couple of those drink 
holders they told her they were out but could find her a box to carry 
them back in.  This particular Starbucks has managers I guess who can't 
predict what they're going to need in advance and fail to order in 
time.  I often feel like saying to someone "ordering for the whole 
company" to tell them to get their own fucking drinks.  At least I'd 
know how long the line and wait is actually going to be if they got them 
themselves. :-D


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