Oldthinkers Unbellyfeel Bush

by Bob Patterson
Smirking Chimp, October 20,2007

In the imaginary world Orwell described in 1984, the word
"doublethink" meant (paperback page 32) "To know and not to know, to
be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully
constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which canceled
out, know them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to
use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to
it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was
the guardian of democracy, to forget, whatever it was necessary to
forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment it was
needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and, above all to apply
same process to the process itself . . . ."

Recently two separate news items indicated that:

A.) al Qaeda has been defeated and
B.) the war in Iraq will continue for a long time.

The objection that if the enemy has been defeated then the war can be
ended is too reliant on cold analytical logic to be worthy of
consideration to a master of doublethink..

Oldthinkers will balk when they are confronted by two contradictory
statements. Here's an example: when the Vice President specifically
says that "we know where they (WMD's) are" and subsequently, after an
Invasion is conducted, no WMD's are found, the inability to understand
and believe both facts indicates a failure to doublethink.

Seeing a contradiction when compassionate Christian conservatives deny
the option of suicide to an invalid who is enduring protracted
existence while confined to a hospital bed is a perfect example of
what a person who is unqualified for doublethink would perceive.

Oldthinkers have trouble grasping the fact that approving the use of
marijuana to treat the effects of chemotherapy is tantamount to
sanctioning and promulgating drug addiction.

Vetoing a bill that would provide medical care to children, while
stoutly proclaiming a strong commitment to medical care for kids is
seen by some as
the philosophical manifestation of the concept of an oxymoron. For
those who are highly skilled in the art of doublethink, there is no
ideological inconsistency whatsoever.

Merely uttering the phrase "Bush lies" is a blatant manifestation of
an inability to understand (let alone) display any ability to
doublethink on even a white belt level of proficiency.

Democrats who disparage George W. Bush might be tempted to quote these
passages from Orwell (paperback page 178) "World conquest is believed
in most firmly by those who know it to be impossible" and (page 163):
"Efficiency, even military efficiency, is no longer needed." A good
doublethink rebuttal would be: "So? What's your point?"

People who cannot pass the simplest doublethink proficiency test
hesitate when presented with the chance to process the information
that the forty-third President of the United States was a trained
F-102 pilot but no substantiating evidence exists.

A practitioner of doublethink who has reached the black belt level of
proficiency would have no trouble processing the information that his
country's military was using Gestapo tactics to conduct interrogations
of prisoners, the Nazis were found guilty of war crimes, and members
of his country's armed forces were not doing anything bad or illegal..
Only an unpatriotic citizen guilty of thoughtcrime would be unable to
believe those three facts simultaneously.

A person who has honed the doublethinking skills will have no trouble
grasping the fact that Ann Coulter can say anything she wants, but a
Congressman speaking on the floor of the House can not say anything
about a war being fought for the President's amusement. To even think
that there is an inconsistency in those two facts would be a symptom
of crimethought.

Orwell seems to have anticipated a need for fanatical unquestioning
support for the folks fighting their country's wars. On page 153, he
writes: "On the contrary, war hysteria is continuous and universal in
all countries, and acts such as raping, looting, the slaughter of
children, the reduction of whole populations to slavery, and reprisals
against prisoners which extended even to boiling and burying alive,
are looked upon as normal, and, when they are committed by one's own
side and not by the enemy, meritorious."

Doublethink permits one to know unquestioningly that the conservative
radio ideological blitzkrieg is an appropriate style of debate every
bit as much as the use, of baseball bats and brassknuckles by a union
organizer's gang is an example of a fair fight conforming to the
Marqis of Queensbury rules.

An unrelenting effort to achieve perfection in doublethink is not
possible and for relaxation and the citizens of Orwell's imaginary
world relax by immersing themselves in prolefeed, which is defined as
"the rubishy entertainment and spurious news" available in their culture.

If the Sitting Bull and the Sioux had attacked Manhattan a hundred and
twenty five years ago, a war with Geronimo and his band of Apaches
would have been a rational response to someone who practices
doublethink. [The people being killed in Iraq now are the same as the
people who attacked the World Trade Center. (Fact checker: this
conclusion is based on the conversation Sean Hannity had with Charlie
Daniels broadcast Thursday Oct. 18, 2007, at approximately 1445 hours

Note: People who have already read the novel 1984 do not have to be
told that the Newspeak headline for this column translates
(approximately)as: "Some old hippies have not fully committed to
George W. Bush's philosophy." 

According to author George Orwell, who coined the word, "bellyfeel"
means "a blind enthusiastic acceptance" and,as amazing as it seems,
some Democrats have not fully embraced the President's contribution to
America's History via an new and improved Imperial Presidency and the
invasion of Iraq.

Orwell warns (paperback page 170): "There are only four ways in which
a ruling group can fall from power. . . . A ruling class which could
guard against all of them would remain in power permanently." No
spoilers here, folks, if you want to know what those four ways are,
buy Orwell's novel 1984 and read it. It will enhance your enjoyment of
many (if not all) the material that is posted on Smirking Chimp each day.

The disk jockey has found a cornucopia of music material which would
provide an appropriate song, but he has chosen to go with David
Shire's Night on Disco Mountain and what the music decider picks; goes
on the turntable. So: Hello, goodbye, we must be going because we shot
an elephant in our pajamas this morning.

Have a doubleplusgood week.

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