Special on CNN last night.  They mentioned https://clergyproject.org 
https://clergyproject.org  The site has stories of numerous Pastors turning to 
atheism, some closet atheists not revealing this to their flock.  A few has 
"come out"..
 https://clergyproject.org https://clergyproject.org 
 View on clergyproject.org https://clergyproject.org 
 Preview by Yahoo 
   Also featured was an Evangelical family with a Son living at home, (a 
college student in the South -forgot which state, I believe Georgia.).  Yea, 
now I remember: his name was David Gormley.
 At any rate, the two parents have remained staunch Bible-thumping 
Evangelicals, while David became an atheist at age 16.  
 Needless to say, there's a lot of friction in the family; the parents 
convinced (pointing to the Bible); that their Son is going to Hell for not 
accepting Jesus as Savior.

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