( only "new" because of misinterpretations )

There are obviously many views as to what Enlightenment and Awakening
are, and therefore the resulting controversies about the status of
spiritual teachers. I would like to offer my 2 cents views on this from
contemplating and reading many books on Ramana Maharshi and on the life
and teachings of several of his "awakened" disciples as well
many other spiritual books including "Awaken Children."

This is the gist( the essence ) of what is presenting itself as a
seemingly a new paradigm  which does seem to explain a few things in a
non-dogmatic way.

The state of "Enlightenment" has been idealized by time, past,
scriptures as a state of "Perfection" reserved only for a few
Incarnations, Saints and Sages. Traditionally, this "perfection"
is said to be attained by exhausting all of one's karmas. But the
scriptures also say that the karmas are so vast as to be inexhaustible.

What to do? Well, one simply answer is Grace( with God the impossible is
possible ). But, this still leaves a lot of unanswered q's for
seekers to deal with via all sorts of spiritual practices, teachers,
teachings, insights, self-exploration, life, etc. And, nothing wrong
here. The spiritual effort must be put forth if that is what one
desires, just like material effort is needed, if that is what one

Bear with me. We are now living in an amazingly special time where
predictions of inevitable great earth changes, perhaps realigning of
earths axis, perhaps a phase transition in the collective consciousness
of the human race? Or, perhaps, even, the extinction of the human race
as we know it?

Wouldn't you feel that, at this time, there must be several
amazingly great beings( perhaps even incarnations ) on planet earth
right now offering us options had we but eyes to see? Even during the
time of Jesus, didn't he say "if they are not against us, they
are with us?"

But, to get back on track to the main point here. There seems to be an
extraordinary phenomenon( with of course the unavoidable confusion and 
controversies ) of many many seekers talking about their
"awakening" experiences. Including Darcie and many many others
outside this forum( this was written for another forum before posting
FFL ).

Some had a lifetime of spiritual seeking; others none, in this lifetime
at least; everything in between; even non-believers are
"awakening." And this is not restricted to following one teacher
only. Some have no teachers. Some of these "awakened" teach;
others just live their normal lives but in a "natural" way.

In all this, there seems to be a shift in the seeker's focus from
the so called "unattainable perfect enlightenment" to simply
"awakening to one's true nature." Awakening to the
substratum of who we already are in each moment of "now" but are
not "aware" of it because of the thought-dream that we are
dreaming. Or, like the clouds( thoughts ) hiding the sun( Self ).

>From the POV of non-duality, Enlightenment and Awakening are actually
one and the same and at this level there is no judgment of the other
because there is no other, there is only the ONE.

However from duality POV, it is more practical to look at it as a
process. In this process, instead of working very hard to exhaust the
inexhaustible karmas, it is suggested to put all that energy and all
desires into one desire "to awaken to one's true nature"

Because, without "awakening" first, it is in fact impossible to
make even a substantial dent in exhausting one's vast karmas.  But,
once the process of "awakening" starts, and is continued, and is
deepened more and more, and is stabilized here and there, then it is
indeed possible for God's Grace to take over and do that which is
impossible for the "me" to do.

Perhaps this new paradigm is the explanation for the seemingly imperfect
behaviors of many "awakened" spiritual teachers who are in the
process of exhausting incredible amounts of karmas. From this
perspective, one might wonder how they manage to be as charismatic and
beautiful and loving and strong as they seem to be to many of their
devotees. And since no one can predict when and which karmas will
surface, it seems even the greatest of teachers might seem to fall.
There are several vedic stories to illustrate this and the
"fall" is usually for a short time. Perhaps this is why one Amma
said that we might be too rough with our standards which we apply to
others especially teachers.

Is this not? why Jesus and all genuine sages like Ramana, Ammachi and
others caution us to "Judge only yourself!"

With this perspective, perhaps all my words above should not be taken
too seriously and if any feel offended or irritated please forgive
"me," forgive "you," and see what truth there is in the
silence of your own unspoken heart.

Is it not true that ?

"Truth cannot be spoken!"

"Silence is the only (absolute) Truth and all words are a distortion
of it."

Except for these: "Om Santi, Santi, Santi Om!" ( there is always
an exception )

Love and Light,


PS ~ reading a wonderful book "Papaji Amazing Grace" by
Premananda with interviews of 15 seekers of enlightenment and their
awakening; after a gamut of life experiences, many teachers, practices,
etc all found their way to LuckNow, India where Papaji was from
1990-1997; he helped hundreds: some to "start" awakening, others
to "deepen" their awakening, some to "stabilize" and for
some to "finalize" although there really is no finality to that
which is infinite. Papaji was one of several amazing disciples of the
great sage Ramana Maharshi.

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