The main point is in the headline and the paragraph highlighted in red,




Professor Dr. John Konhaus
Raja of Japan 

Dr Feldman announces daily global ceremony of gratitude to Vedic Tradition
of Total Knowledge
by Global Good News staff writer

Global Good News    Translate This Article
22 January 2008

On the 22 January Global Family Chat, broadcast daily via satellite and over
the Internet on Channel 3 of the Maharishi Channel, Dr Benjamin Feldman,
Minister of Finance and Planning of the Global Country of World Peace,
announced a new programme for Teachers of Maharishi's Transcendental

Speaking to the World Congress of Rajas and Ministers of the Global Country
of World Peace, Dr Feldman said that 'today is the beautiful full moon of
January marking the completion of the auspicious sixth month of the First
Year of Invincibility', as marked by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the
Global Country of World Peace, from last Guru Purnima* [29 July 2007]. 

In August 2007, Maharishi started the tradition of global Puja on every full
moon following Guru Purnima, the full moon in July. (Please visit the Global
Good News features on Maharishi's addresses on the full moon celebrations in
August and September 2007). 

Dr Feldman said, 'It will be our collective joy to perform Puja to Guru
Dev** today, as Purusha*** . . . are doing all over the world on this
auspicious day.' 

Puja is the Vedic ceremony of gratitude to Guru Dev and the Vedic Tradition
of Total Knowledge, the oldest tradition of knowledge on earth. As Maharishi
explained in a recent address, 'The Puja to Guru Dev is the mechanics of
nourishing every fibre of the administration of Natural Law, and of
nourishing all life on earth.' 

Dr Feldman continued, 'And we invite all the Teachers of Transcendental
Meditation here and everywhere to have Puja to Guru Dev from this full moon
to the next full moon in their Centres and in their groups every day,
joining Maharishiji in offering ourselves to the Totality of Brahm as we had
been led by him, and to bring ourselves to the level of the blessings of
Guru Dev, the Light of God, for the invincibility of every nation in
Maharishiji's world, in Maharishiji's whole family of nations. 

'We offer to Guru Dev our confidence. We return to Guru Dev his own
blessings, Maharishiji's blessings for the world, and the absolute certainty
that the 35 countries that already have invincibility in the number of
[practitioners of Transcendental Meditation] and Yogic Flyers that have been
trained there, and with all the 48 countries led by all the Rajas of the
Global Country of World Peace together to create this memorial to peace—the
Tower of Invincibility in every nation—bliss will expand to fill the whole
world and administration through silence will guide the world in perfection.

'So with Maharishiji and Maharajaji [Maharaja Nader Raam, first ruler of the
Global Country of World Peace], each of these offerings that we offer in
Puja to Guru Dev are offering the same blessings of Guru Dev to him, with

Then the World Congress of Rajas and Ministers of the Global Country of
World Peace took part in the global ceremony. 

* Guru Purnima is the day in the Vedic Calendar which honours the Vedic
Tradition of Total Knowledge, traditionally celebrated each year on the full
moon in July. 

** Maharishi's Master, Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati,
Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas 

*** Maharishi has explained that Purusha means the Self, the quality of
infinite silence of the Unified Field of Natural Law. Purusha also refers to
members of the Maharishi Purusha Programme—which was designed by Maharishi
for men who wish to dedicate themselves fulltime to the most rapid pace of
evolution possible and creating world peace. This is accomplished through
the extended group practice of the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi
Programme, including Yogic Flying, and activity dedicated to the fulfilment
of the many programmes of Maharishi's worldwide organizations. 

Copyright © 2008 Global Good News(sm) Service 

Global Good News comment: 

For information about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy,
happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global
Financial Capital of New York.

Professor Dr. John Konhaus
Raja of Japan 

Read the good news every day!   


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