Or, how a Chinese Zen master deals with claims of enlightenment.  :-)

The Buddhists say there are  eight winds. They are gain and loss, praise
and ridicule, credit and  blame, and suffering and joy.  If you
aren't aware of them, they will  blow you away like dry leaves in an
autumn breeze.  For example, when  someone praises you, and that tastes
sweet like candy in your mouth, you  are being blown away by the wind of

One day in ancient China a young man thought he had become  enlightened.
He wrote a poem to his master about how he was not blown by  the eight
winds. Then he sent it to his master who lived 300 miles up  the Yangtze

When his master read the poem, he wrote "Fart, Fart" on the
bottom  and sent it back.

The more the young man read those words,  the more upset he got. At last
he decided to visit his master. In those  days, the 300 mile trip up the
Yangtze River was a very difficult  journey. As soon as he arrived, he
went straight to his master's temple.

"Why did you write this? he asked, bowing.  "Doesn't this
poem show that I am no longer blown about by the eight  winds?"

"You say that you are no longer blown by  the eight winds,"
replied the master, "but two little farts blew you all  the way up

-  Gary Zukav, Soul  Stories
ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1258047464&sr=8-1> , (c) 2000

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