Answer to Miguel's Question Nine.

Question Eight is not worth addressing in writing, for the topic is so
hackneyed, worn out, overdone, and dead boring. But the answer to it is
that priestcraft and religions do not tolerate personal mystical
revealing experiences because they would go out of their corrupt and
diabolic trade. They would have to get a popper job and leave young
peoples minds alone.  QED.

Question Nine…

  [ You write that life instils morality and not institutions.  What do
you mean by that?]

Morality, to whatever degree a personality is modified by it, does not
come from the world, society, nurture, indoctrination, teaching, or from
any human beings input to another – let alone religions and beliefs
for heaven sakes; it comes from the very depths of our being.  Just as
the mystical gnosis experience (Psychognosis) does not hit the surface
of mind and consciousness during a lifetime in many people, neither does
morality in some people. Morality is an inner innate sense of what is
right and wrong action.  It is not from the spirit however, but rather
the soul, the middle bit – and maybe their soul is a baby one that
has not matured yet.  It is plainly relative to each human being to the
degree that it is reaching into their daily consciousness and shallow
sub consciousness – but it comes from a very deep place within the
system; and founded upon the true essence of the place where the SELF is
found and experienced; for it is a living extension of it.

Thus it is that anybody either in or out of any religion does not have a
sense of morality due to their nurture on earth, but rather DESPITE it. 
By the word LIFE here I am not simply talking about daily life, but the
phenomenon of LIFE. YOU are a life form – seek within; or remain in
ignorance whichever blows your skirt up – fact or fiction.

If you choose not to accept this, and if you have a brain that works,
then prove the assertion wrong. Because life itself proves it right. So,
you would have a truly fine battle on your hands, and one which YOU will
not win. QED.

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