> Questions and Answers – a selection
Q. How many interviews has Maitreya given to date in the USA?

A. 29.

Q. How many interviews has Maitreya given to date in Mexico?

A. Seven.

Q. Has Maitreya started giving interviews now on His own, that is to
say, not as a member of a panel?

A. Yes.

Q. (1) Sathya Sai Baba has shed His body today [24 April 2011] and my
heart is truly aching with pain for the physical loss. It came sooner
than expected. In my mind I know He is always with us. Can you please
give some solace if possible. (2) Will Maitreya's Day of Declaration
be in any way more `sped' up for us now?

A. (1) Sai Baba has died so His influence in the world will not be equal
to what it was formerly, but it should be remembered that Sathya Sai
Baba has predicted a third manifestation, when He will return in a few
years as Prema Sai. (2) Not necessarily. The Day of Declaration has its
own rhythm.

Q. I would like to ask a question about the recent death of Sathya Sai
Baba. Regarding your Master's information, Sai Baba embodies the
energy of the Cosmic Christ, and Maitreya is the Planetary Christ. (1)
Does the recent death of Sai Baba mean that his work as the Cosmic
Christ to prepare humanity for the work of Maitreya, the Planetary
Christ, had been finished, so humanity is ready now for Maitreya? (2)
Does this also mean that Maitreya is getting closer to working
completely openly with humanity so there is no need for the Cosmic
Christ and the Planetary Christ to be simultaneously in the world? Thank
you for your insights?

A. (1) No. The question shows a misunderstanding of the purpose for Sai
Baba's manifestation. Sai Baba did not come as the Cosmic Christ to
prepare humanity for the work of Maitreya but for His own purposes as an
Avatar. So this question does not arise. (2) Again this question does
not arise. The death of Sai Baba has nothing to do with the readiness or
otherwise of Maitreya to work openly in the world.

Q. Sai Baba is thought to have said that He would live to be 96 years
old, but he died recently aged 84 years. Was His prediction not correct?

A. The following accurate explanation, from Sai Baba devotee Sri Philip
M. Prasad, was published in the Malayalam Daily, in Kerala, India, on 25
April 2011:
"What Baba has foretold was indeed correct. According to the Roman
calendar he has completed 84 years. But one can note that generally in
all of Baba's discourses Baba had been referring to the star (lunar)
basis in calculations. In Indian astrology there are 27 stars in a month
starting with Aswathy and ending with Revathy. Accordingly a year of 12
months is composed of 324 days. Sai Baba was born on 23 November 1926.
>From that day till 24 April 2011 there were a total of 30,834 days. If
this is divided with 324, we get 95 years and 54 days. Accordingly,
under the star basis of calculation he was in his 96th year having
completed 54 days when he left his physical body."

Q. Will Sai Baba continue to be present in consciousness and to oversee
his life's work, to inspire and guide his devotees?

A. Yes.

Q. Will Sai Baba continue to overshadow Benjamin Creme at the end of his
public lectures, as he has done for many years?

A. Yes.

Q. Is it accurate to say that Sai Baba sacrificed himself – taking
on the karma and illness of many of his followers and thus shortened his
own life?

A. He did not shorten His own life but He did take on the karma of
devotees on several occasions for short periods, but that was not the
cause of His death.

Q. The killing of Osama bin Laden by an American special attack force in
Pakistan has just been announced. He is said to have been shot in the
eye and killed (though unarmed) and the body to have been buried at sea,
that is, not retrievable for inspection. Can you say if this is indeed
the end of Bin Laden?

A. I do believe that Osama bin Laden is no longer alive, but this report
from the US administration does not tally with my information, which is
that Osama bin Laden died peacefully, after a long struggle with
illness, in 2006. Before he died he wished to maintain his call for
`justice' (as he understood the term) and arranged for one of
his many younger brothers to maintain the myth of his presence.

Q. In 2007 Benazir Bhutto said in an interview that Osama bin Laden was
dead. (1) Was she right? (2) How did he die? (3) Where is his body
buried? (4) If this scenario is accurate, why was his death kept secret?
(5) Supposing these are the facts, how long have the Americans known of
Osama bin Laden's demise?

A. (1) Yes. (2) He died after a long struggle with cancer and kidney
disease. (3) It was not buried but burned. (4) He wanted to maintain the
myth as a rallying call for the young. (5) They probably believed he was
still alive.

Q. Why was Osama bin Laden shot? Why was he not captured and brought to

A. Ask the Americans.

Q. Why was his body "buried at sea"?

A. Ask the Americans.

Q. There is something very fishy about the reports of how Osama bin
Laden died; it is reminiscent of the feel of the so-called accounts of
how Saddam Hussein was `found' and other `facts' around
his `trial' and so on. Your comments, please.

A. Quite so.

Q. One of the news reports showing the compound where Osama bin Laden
was shot mentioned that there was no sign of a kidney dialysis machine,
yet it was well-known that Bin Laden had serious kidney problems. Does
the absence of a dialysis machine not point to the possibility that
Osama bin Laden had not been living at the compound?

A. My information is that he never lived at that compound.

Q. (1) Do you think people power will succeed in Libya and Syria? (2)
What would be the most practical solution in each country?

A. (1) Yes, eventually. (2) The problems and state of readiness in each
country are different. Eventually, throughout the world, people power,
inspired by Maitreya and under the banner of freedom, sharing and
justice will succeed.

Q. Should dictators and despots be brought to justice?

A. Personally, I do not think so. It solves nothing and simply prolongs
the lust for revenge.

Q. Perhaps in a spirit of forgiveness old autocratic figures ought to be
given asylum and amnesty?

A. Yes, I agree.

Q. What is the best way of dealing with the Taliban in Afghanistan? In

A. Like anywhere in the world, people need freedom, justice and peace.
The Taliban are no different.

Q. I spotted an orange-lighted orb in the night sky on 23 April 2011.
The direction was west to north-west, in Steyr, Austria. After
approximately two minutes it disappeared and went into a little black
hole, moving to the north. I took a picture of it and watched it with a
spyglass. Could this be part of the galactic fleet or Martian people?

A. The `orb' was a spacecraft – a scout ship – from

Q. At the royal wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton on 29
April 2011, I felt a powerful energy during the service at Westminster
Abbey, London. Could your Master confirm if there was a blessing from

A. Yes. During the service, when the Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan
Williams pronounced the couple man and wife, saying "In the name of
the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost", Maitreya gave a
blessing. In all weddings, of every religion, a blessing is given. The
blessings are often given by the Master Jesus, but if the priest holds a
senior position, such as a bishop, the blessing is given by Maitreya.
Similarly, whenever people take the Eucharist in church (the wafer and
wine) a blessing is automatically given by the Master Jesus or Maitreya.


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